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百分比的戒烟者。Percentages of ex-smokers.

那数字是以百分比表示的。The figure is expressed as a percentage.

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人口中能识文断字的百分比是多少?…What percent of the population can read?

这个就是每天的移动百分比。Think of this as the percentage move per day.

在一天结束后,把所有营养素的百分比加起来。At the end of the day, add up the percent DVs.

所以百分比并不能说明现实情况。So the percentages don't tell you the reality.

多少百分比的专案是在预算之内完成的?What percentage of projects come in on-budget?

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威士忌含有酒精的百分比很高。Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.

这个百分比应该从管理页面设置。The percentage should be setup from admin page.

你们能够使百分比在同一个地方停住吗?Can you get the percent to stay in the same place?

小包装与大包装的百分比?。Percentage of small packages versus large packages?

这在美国最差百分比中排名第四。This is the fourth worst percentage in the country.

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航空公司跟踪准时航班的百分比An airline tracking the percentage of on-time flights

这种癌在趧乳腺癌中占多少百分比?。What percentage of breast cancers does this comprise?

相对于目标扩展内存大小的百分比The percentage against the target expanded memory size

单日百分比涨幅创下历史第二。It was its second-biggest one-day percentage rise ever.

简单地用你的体重乘以你的体脂百分比。Simply multiply your weight by your body fat percentage.

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松香可取代一定百分比的二元酸。Some percentage of dibasic acids were replaced by rosin.

期末考试占这科总评的百分比是多少?What percentage will the final account for in the course?

百分比形式的权重代表的是相似度。A weight in percentage represents the degree of similarity.