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管道纵横交错。Ducts and pipes crisscross.

这座城市里运河纵横交错。The city is criss-crossed with canals.

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在这个地区灌溉渠纵横交错。Irrigation canals criss-crossed the area.

公路纵横交错,遍布全国。Highways were ramified all over the country.

曼谷有纵横交错的运河网。Bangkok is crisscrossed by a network of klongs.

电线网纵横交错地布满全岛。Electric networks criss-cross the whole island.

它是宇宙基本本质的纵横交错编织模式。It is the interlace weave pattern of Universal Essence.

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境内丘陵、平原相间,河渠纵横交错。The territory of hills, plains and white, criss-crossing canals.

亚洲大陆新的道路,铁路和管道纵横交错。New roads, railways and pipelines are criss-crossing continental Asia.

信用网络就是由一个个信用关系纵横交错形成的网络。Credit network is a network consisted by interlaced credit relationships.

而且,纵横交错的公路网也让火车运行速度比欧洲慢得多。Multiple road crossings require trains to move more slowly than in Europe.

它们的枝丫纵横交错,仿佛是些用来丈量这旷野的奇怪的标尺。Their branches intertwine and seem to be a strange ruler of measuring the field.

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陆上山地、丘陵、台地、平原,为纵横交错的水网分划。Mountain land, hills , plateaus, plains, criss-crossing the water network division.

在一个伸手不见五指、通道又纵横交错的大山洞中迷了路。In one hand unable to see, the channel and criss-cross of large cave lost their way.

这里河道纵横交错,与古老的京杭运河相连。There are crisscrossing waterways connected to the old Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

贵州省独山南部喀斯特谷地、槽谷纵横交错,地下河系十分发育。South Dushan, Guizhou Province, is one of the areas of well-developed karst in China.

游客可以通过总长达500公里纵横交错的步行道,探索其每一个角落。Visitors can through almost 500km criss-cross of foot path, explore its every corner.

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地图绘制工作者发有了一些网格线,这些网格线纵横交错地分布在整个球体上。Mapmakers, or cartographers, have devised a grid of lines which criss-cross the globe.

战略地位和时髦纵横交错的细节展示。Strategically placed bows and sassy criss-cross detailing feature in the cheeky Edith.

正是纵横交错局势下的主动进攻中,肖义为了掩护姚二林而牺牲。It is crisscross situation offensive attack, XiaoYi screen for yao second Lin sacrifice.