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你需要更多的氧气。You need more oxygen.

血液在肺中与氧气结合。Blood is aerated in the lungs.

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对于我们来说,安全就像氧气一样。Security for us is like oxygen.

有多少氧气切割器,他们的。How many oxy cutting sets they have.

这些氧气是从哪里来的呢?So where could this oxygen come from?

出尔反尔,给他呼吸的氧气。The tether gave him oxygen to breathe.

人类和动物需要依靠氧气生存。People and animals need oxygen to live.

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但生物化学远远超出氧气。But biochemistry goes far beyond oxygen.

水是由氢气和氧气构成的。Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.

最后的房间是制造氧气的地方。Finally the room where oxygen is produced.

使用氧气时应禁防油类!Oxygen should be forbidden to use anti-oil!

吸进,呼出,我们得到很多的氧气。Breathe out. We’re getting plenty of oxygen.

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氧气疗法,听说这个还能美容除皱呢。Oxygen therapy, apparently, reduces wrinkles.

用折射仪测量一下氧气的浓度。Check oxygen concentration by a refractometer.

叠层石是最先释放氧气的。Stromatolites were the first to exhale oxygen.

氧气在他被子上面的绿管中汩汩作响。Oxygen gurgled in the green tubes above his bed.

食物和氧气很容易从妈妈身体传递给胎儿。FOOD and oxygen pass easily from mother to fetus.

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铁与水及氧气结合会生成锈吗?Can iron combine with water and oxygen to form rust?

大的双肺和心脏可以增加氧气的输送量。Large lungs and hearts can increase the oxygen flow.

它保护油不受热和氧气的影响而变质。It shields oil from spoilage-inducing heat and oxygen.