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压缩沉降主要出现在粘土或粉沙中。Consolidation settlement occurs mainly in clays or silts.

其中,泥岩的生热率最高,而粉沙岩、砂岩的生热率次之。Mudstone has highest heat generation comparing with siltstone and sandstone.

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休息室您的跳水池,然后步行到粉沙海滩-被认为是岛上最好的之一。Lounge by your plunge pool, then stroll to the powder-sand beach – considered one of the island's best.

水力冲填坝通常是用一根管子利用水流把砂和粉沙运到坝体处筑坝。Hydraulic fill dams are built of sand and silt brought into the dam in a stream of water, usually through a pipe.

对以往淤泥质海岸和粉沙质海岸的界定方法进行了回顾和剖析,指出了其中的不足。By review and analyses the former definition of muddy coast and silty coast, the deficiencies is pointed out in this paper.

针对粉沙运动的特性,采用试挖槽观测、模型试验、示踪沙试验等方法进行了研究,并对航道开挖后的泥沙回淤进行了预测。In the light of the characteristics of silt motion, methods such as observation through trial tunnel, model experiment, and sand tracing test, etc.

我国粉沙质海岸、河口地区等区域常有铁板沙出现,带来许多工程问题,开展相关问题的研究十分必要。The consolidated silt is found in silty sand coast, river mouth etc. , which brings lots of engineering problems, which make it necessary to research on.

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针对粉沙质海岸开敞航道的回淤特点提出了一个计算航道回淤的统计概化模型。Statistical probability model for calculating deposition amount is proposed on the basis of depositing features of the open channel on a silt sandy beach.

在地震区筑坝,还应考虑地震影响。地震的作用增加坝坡坍滑的可能性。粉沙地基在强烈振动作用下还容易引起液化破坏。Earthquakes have to be taken into account. They can make landslide more possible. If the foundation is made of silty sand, liquidified damage is more possible.

贾西亚指出,受矮树丛、藤蔓与沙丘草地保护而毫发无伤的粉沙海滩,其实是为了「做宣传照片而虚造出来的东西。」Garcia noted that the powder sand beaches — unblemished by the shrubs, vines and dune grasses that might hold it together — are "something made up, intended as a promotional picture."

而淤泥质海岸和粉沙质海岸由于其自身特性的限制,泥沙淤积现象较为严重,从而严重阻碍了港口、航道事业的发展。However because of the restriction of the muddy and Silty Coast themselves, the phenomena of siltation is very severity, so it clag the development of port and channel enterprise badly.

近年来,随着粉沙质海岸港口建设的发展,粉沙质海岸泥沙问题,特别是航道淤积问题越来越突出。In recent years, with the increase of the port constructions on the silty coast, the problems of the sediment transport, especially the channel siltation become more and more prominent.

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研究波浪和潮流作用下水体含沙量的垂线分布,是解析粉沙质海岸滩面泥沙在波浪和潮流作用下泥沙运移形态的重要基础。Studying the sediment vertical distribution affected by wave and current is the important base to explore the transport behave of sediment on the silt sea bed under the same conditions.

根据砂质海岸和粉沙质海岸地区港池和外航道的泥沙淤积的计算机理,确定了悬移质和推移质泥沙的计算公式与相关参数,分别对回淤量和骤淤量进行了计算。The calculation formula and parameter of sediment siltation should accord with the arenaceous and silt coast condition. The back and sudden magnitude siltation quantity is calculated here.

文章结合几个工程实例,对在平缓粉沙质海岸上建设的港口口门位置选择中涉及的某些技术问题进行初步探讨。On the basis of some engineering cases, some technical issues involved in the site selection for the entrance of ports built on the gently sloped coasts of silty sands are discussed and probed into.