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他是一个好丞相,所有的蜀国人都很爱戴他。He was so great that everyone in the state of Shu loved him.

丞相信誓旦旦说自己没有篡夺汉室之意。Though you have solemnly vowed yourself loyal to His Majesty's Court.

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经过十余年的苦心经营,诸葛亮终于登上了丞相的宝座。Zhuge Liang became the prime minister through elaboration over ten years.

丞相入东宫当着太子的面表示要解散东宫卫队。Prime minister into east in front of the face of prince said to disband east guard.

丞相宇文化及为了夺取皇位同突厥暗中勾结。The prime minister YuWenHuaJi in order to take the throne with collude with the turks.

这个“文丞相胡同”,就是以南宋丞相文天祥之名命名的。"Premier Wen hutong" was named after a famous premier, Wen Tianxiang, in Nansong period.

刘歆又想求助于丞相孔光的支持,也遭到了拒绝。Liu Xin want to resort to the prime minister Hole's support, was rejected. As a result, Dr.

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大家都讥笑他的书法不佳,丞相倒也毫不在意。Everybody sneered at his bad handwriting , and the prime minister himself really didn t care.

自己一个丞相千金,眼前的男人都说打就打,何况一个奴婢?A premier minister daughter of ego, at present of the men entire say dozen and then blow, except a maidservant?

我和黄盖是至交,所以替他来送信,不知丞相肯收留他吗?Since I am his good friend, I have come here with his letter, and I want to know if you will accept his offer or not.

她是西汉初年长沙国丞相、第一代轪侯利苍的夫人,名叫“辛追”。She was wife of the premier of the Changsha State, the Marquise of Dai of the first generation. Xin Zhui was her name.

他当主爵都尉的时候,公孙弘、张汤都还是不起眼的小官,后来,他们一个劲儿住上升,公孙弘当上了丞相,张汤做上了御史大夫,可他汲黯还蹲在原地没动窝。Later ,they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor.

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他当主爵都尉的时候,公孙弘、张汤都还是不起眼的小官,后来,他们一个劲儿住上升,公孙弘当上了丞相,张汤做上了御史大夫,可他汲黯还蹲在原地没动窝。Later , they were promoted continuously. Gongsun Hong became the prime minister and Zhang Tang became the imperial censor.

也就是说,只要他想行使,他就可以撇开周围的“丞相、诸大臣”,为所欲为。In other words, as long as he would like to exercise, he can put aside the surrounding, "prime minister, Zhu minister, " whatever he wants.

汉初政权的重心,长期偏向以丞相为中心的政府,而皇权相对较弱。汉文帝即位之后,开始了向专制皇权的转变。For a long time, the political power of the empire was mostly controlled by the prime minister and so the monarchy was comparatively smaller.

王太后威胁武帝,若不同意让王貅当丞相,她就要与武帝一起坐进未央宫。The queen mother threatened the emperor, if not agreed to let Wang Xiu as prime minister, she would sit together with the emperor in Weiyang Palace.

秦泰山刻石镌刻着秦始皇功德铭和二世诏书,由丞相李斯篆书,为国家一级文物,堪称稀世珍宝。Taishan stone engraved with the Emperor Qin Ming merit and II edict by the prime minister Li Si Seal for the state-level cultural relics, called treasures.

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次日,马腾领着西凉兵马,将次近城,只见前面一簇红旗,打着丞相旗号。The next day, Ma Teng led his Xiliang army close to the wall of the capital. In front of him he saw a cluster of red flags flying the prime minister’s insignia.

宫里身旁的近臣以及丞相府统领的仕宦,本都是一个整体,升赏处罚,扬善除恶,不应标准差别。Jin Chen and around the temple of the prime minister's office to guide officials, is a whole, reward or punishment, good and evil forces, should not be different standards.

王太后发狠道,那就叫王貅领兵去打一次匈奴,回来即给他封侯,一旦封了侯,看哪个再敢说王貅不能当丞相。The queen mother angry, then called Wang Xiu led the troops to go play a Hun, back to their Fenghou, once closed Hou, see which dare not say when the Prime Minister Wang xiu.