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警察试图追踪他小打小闹作奸犯科的缘由。The police tried to trace his lapse into petty crime.

我还觉得他和Ginny的小打小闹,作者处理得很得体。I also thought his spat with Ginny was done very appropriately.

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这标志着二四小时因为我卡住,小打小闹。This marks twenty-four hours since I'm stuck and chipping away.

它们的脚不像公鸡那样有倒刺,所以这些小打小闹只是表演性质的。Their feet are not barbed like roosters, so these brawls are mostly for show.

三年的时间小打小闹,彼此也有了了解,后来想想这也是种另类的缘分。Three years work, they also have the understanding, then think this is also a kind of fate.

红人队实在太强了,相比之下,福特汉姆队就像一群来自布朗克斯和布鲁克林区的小打小闹的孩子。The UMass team was very, very good. Fordham, by contrast, was a team of scrappy kids from the Bronx and Brooklyn.

你会发现多数人在辉煌腾达之前都经历过很多失败或小打小闹。You’ll see that most people had many failures or very moderate successes before being considered truly successful.

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这大概与泄密行动已经从小打小闹的粉丝网站逐渐向主流媒体转移这一事实有点关系。It may have something to do with the fact that Apple leaks have shifted from scrappy fan sites into the mainstream.

这也就是为什么今天,以色列对这样的小打小闹给予了惩罚性的袭击回应,和1950年代的情况一样,这样的攻击都也有可能引发战争。That is why today, as in the 1950s, Israel responds to pinpricks with punitive raids, each of which had the potential to flare into war.

在幻想的层面上,盖茨是一个小打小闹、喜欢破坏的流氓,却掌管着权力,打扮得像一个受人尊敬的主席。At the level of fantasy, Gates is a small-time, subversive hooligan who has taken over and dressed himself up as the respectable chairman.

反而研究者们在小问题上小打小闹,把注意力放在发电厂上--电动汽车排放的源头。Instead, researchers are chipping away at problems in smaller sizes, with a specific focus on the power plant -- the source of most EV emissions.

老师被建议在课堂上出现麻烦时打开摄像头,以处理“不间断的小打小闹”,但在打开摄像头前必须告知大家。Teachers are advised to turn on the cameras during incidents in the classroom to tackle"constant low-level disruption", but must give notice before doing so.

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我们通常会投入日常精力去给自己制定目标和标准,有些或许只是小打小闹,而有些则足以改变整个生活面貌。We all set our own goals and standards by which we focus our daily lives on. Some of these may be small, tedious acts and others are life changing approaches.

不过,有些人悬着的心倒踏实了下来,因为他们原本担忧奥巴马在预算方案中可能会不顾轻重缓急,只满足于在税收制度边缘小打小闹。But fears that Mr. Obama would sacrifice progressive priorities in his budget plans, and satisfy himself with fiddling around the edges of the tax system, have now been banished.

其结果是朝鲜资金捉襟见肘,最近几周诉诸于一些小打小闹的策略,比如针对驻平壤的外交人员提高房租并收取新的费用。As a result, North Korea is scrambling for money and, in recent weeks, has resorted to small-bore tactics, such as raising rents and pushing new fees on foreign diplomats in Pyongyang.

如果投资者弃货币市场基金而去的行为只是小打小闹,那也没什么,货币市场基金平均期限为三个月,能将利率一旦上调的损失风险降到最低。That mightn't be troubling if investors were merely taking baby steps out of money-market funds, whose three-month average maturities minimize the danger of losses if interest rates rise.

比较先锋的观点如合并社团预算有点意思,但既然目的是改革如今过分集权的政府,这种小打小闹有点说不过去。Avant-garde ideas such as consolidated community budgets across all services are interesting, but it seems odd to try to redress the over-centralised state without doing more obvious things.

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从诸如“我受困伦敦,请汇钱来”这种小打小闹、荒唐可笑的邮件诈骗,到大规模的信用卡数据盗用,社会公众和公司企业需要应对这种结果。Consumers and businesses must deal with the results, from small-bore, almost laughable “I’m stranded in England please send money” e-mail scams to large-scale appropriations of credit card data.

这位孟买本地人在十几岁时就创立了“D-company”组织,起先只是走私这样的小打小闹,但到上世纪80年代末,他已将该组织发展成为亚洲最大的犯罪集团之一。The Mumbai native began his organization, "D-Company," as a teenager and built it from a small-time smuggling operation to one of the largest criminal syndicates in Asia by the end of the 1980s.

三名小打小闹的少年犯安格尔、戴维斯和布奇被关进一所惩教中心,负责他们的是一名外强中干的管理员,很快三名少年就要在成为受害者还是施暴者之间做出抉择。Directed by Kim Chapiron. With Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel, Mateo Morales, Slim Twig. Three juvenile delinquents arrive at a correctional center and are put under the care of an experienced guard.