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儿子默然不语。His son kept silent.

接下来第二步则是连结默然。Being silent is the second.

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他们默然同意该决定。They acquiesced in the decision.

我默然转身,听到了,微微的叹息声。In silence I turn, heard, a sigh.

日本默然同意别人把它捏死。Japan were acquiescing in being strangled.

如果在现代怕是大家都默然了吧。If feared in the modern is silently everyone.

吟念清词细数惆怅,默然离去成伤。Read it silently count melancholy, go into hurt.

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即使穹苍如铜号,却默然无声And even if the heaven seem brass, without a sound?

好例子就像教堂的钟声一样让人默然遵循。A good example is like a bell that calls many to church.

“忍受——这将会持续很长一段时间,默然接受痛苦,不要抱怨”。"Gaman — it is to endure, accept the pain, don't complain," he says.

我只能默然,把这痛与恨的纠缠留在笔端。I only could fall silent, keep the sad and hateful entanglement on paper.

——静守一份安然,淡墨红尘,默然相爱,寂静喜欢。Observe a quiet enron, light ink world of mortals, silent love, silent love.

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天帝释唱此偈时,诸天欢呼,阿修罗默然。When Sakka had said this verse, the devas applauded but the asuras were silent.

我不知道这到底是怎么了,是什么总让我感到默然的心痛。I don't know what this is, what is always make me feel the silence of the heart.

一颗心,静守一份安然,淡墨红尘,默然相爱,寂静喜欢。Heart, observe a quiet enron, light ink world of mortals, silent love, silent love.

此外,我也采用澄明的深睡或在无梦的深睡保持默然的目睹。I also refer to pellucid deep sleep, or tacit witnessing in the deep dreamless state.

更不用说一直盯着她默然不语的二少爷了。Say nought of have been staring at her quietly two young masters of language was not.

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陵墓左右各有一名身穿礼服、手扶长枪的哨兵默然肃立,为烈士守灵。Tomb around each one wearing a dress, hand guns stood silent sentinel, a martyr wake.

我默然地看着一行秋雁,爱的梦幻也随着雁声飞到了冰冻的冬季。I watched a line Qiuyan Moran, love dream Yansheng flew in tandem with the frozen winter.

若是你再像谁人默然不语,我以后再也不告诉你任何事了。If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time, I won't tell you anything in the future.