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酣畅淋漓的射击体验!Experience the sensation of firing wildly!

真是一场酣畅淋漓的胜利。我很少看到50分大胜的比赛。Great win. I rarely saw a blow out by 50 pts.

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和加州的兄弟喝的酣畅淋漓。He drank too much with buddies in California.

能酣畅淋漓哭的人,才会情真意切地笑。Dripping tears to those who earned only smile.

运动之后总能体会到酣畅淋漓。After moving total can realize soundly dripping wet.

行笔简洁轻快,酣畅淋漓,呈现了新时代下的新风尚。The style of drawing presents a new trend under new era.

午饭后,这位老人喜欢躺在沙发上,酣畅淋漓地打瞌睡。After lunch the old man likes to lie on his sofa, dozing off soundly.

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足球是酣畅淋漓,展现灵活机巧的美好运动,比赛又是斗智斗勇,道德竞赛。Football game is not only fight for wit and courage, but also a moral game.

第一次哭得如此酣畅淋漓,但我发誓以后不会再哭了。The first time I cried such a dripping, but I will not swear the cry again.

那如同酣畅淋漓的宣泄,让每一个面对的人跟着激情澎湃。That catharsis as hearty, so that each face of the people follow the passion.

在线上向小妖发牢骚,从经理到客户骂得酣畅淋漓。Online to small demon grumble, from the manager to customer scold soundly sweat.

在被绿荫环绕的室外足球场上,尽情享受速度的快感,酣畅淋漓,释放力量。Completely free yourself in delight of speed on the outdoor football field shaded by green trees.

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这首诗酣畅淋漓地抒发了作者对普通人民的爱和对统治阶级的恨。This poem fully expresses the author's love for the ordinary people and hatred for the ruling class.

尽管没有赢得议会的绝对多数席位,但是对于执政的保守党来说,这仍然是一场酣畅淋漓的胜利。IT IS an emphatic victory, even if the ruling party has failed, again, to secure a majority in parliament.

在完美的世界里,这会是一对幸福的伴侣,两性间的战争将在一场场酣畅淋漓的云雨之后烟消云散。In a perfect world, they are happily copulating, the war between the sexes softening in a post-coital haze.

这种微笑似乎来源于某一次酣畅淋漓、透不气的、神秘的欢欣,其中包含着得意、猥亵的本性。It seemed to come from some huge choking secret glee and there was in it a quality that was jubilantly obscene.

就算是鲍鱼,男人们天天吃着也会觉得索然无味,没准还会想念方便面吃起来的酣畅淋漓。Even if is the abalone, men eating every day will feel dull, perhaps even miss instant noodles to eat up the hearty.

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红军主帅认为这是他的球队一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,对整场比赛的表现感到欣喜。The Liverpool manager felt it was a thoroughly deserved victory by his team and was delighted with the overall display.

金海湾•凤池岛,一个完美融入大海、酣畅淋漓的奢享世界。The Phoenix Island, the Oceania Point, is a world of great luxury and indulgence that is perfectly integrated into the sea.

那天晚上,秦深在这座静谧的小楼里睡了个酣畅淋漓的觉,恨不得像蘑菇一样长在床上。That night, deep Qin in the quiet of a small building to sleep the sleep dripping earned wished as long as mushrooms on a bed.