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或者是它们不能饶恕的囚徒?Or their unforgiven prisoner?

注意一下,囚徒是复数形式Notice, it's Prisoners, plural.

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就是囚徒困境This is called Prisoner's Dilemma.

起来,饥饿的囚徒罪犯!Arise, you pris'ners of starvation!

对男孩子们不要方方正正的像囚徒。Not squares for boys like prisoners.

我是农民,土壤的囚徒。I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.

我写在那里了,囚徒困境It's written there, the Prisoners' Dilemma.

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囚徒,告诉我,是谁将你捆缚?Prisoner, tell me, who was it that bound you?

囚徒们在绝望中更加不顾死活了。The prisoners grew more desperate in despair.

这其中也会导致囚徒困境There's a Prisoners' Dilemma aspect to this too.

对男孩子们不要方方正正的像囚徒。Not squares for children are rough like prisoners.

恐惧使你成为囚徒,希望使你获得自由。Fear can hold you prisioner. hope you can set you free.

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来吧,你这画家、风笛手、致幻剂的囚徒,继续闪耀。Come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine.

你一生中再也不会有这样的囚徒般的观众。Never in your life will you have such a captive audience.

列夫钦科真的成了名符其实的囚徒了,这太不象样子。Levchenko was a veritable prisoner, which was not healthy.

弗朗西·利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗?Liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro?

第一,协和谬误与囚徒困境不一样One is this is very different from the Prisoner's Dilemma.

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我为聆听者,大麻叶而说唱,也能让女士,囚徒。I rap for listeners, blunt heads, fly ladies and prisoners.

有人之前听过囚徒困境吗How many of you have heard of the Prisoner's Dilemma before?

在现实中我们怎么化解囚徒困境So what remedies do we see in society for Prisoner's Dilemmas?