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不对。我是士官。I am a noncommissioned officer.

我们被派往Inza,在那里我成了士官。We were sent to Inza, where we became sergeants.

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我注意到了作为一位士官的任务。I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer.

每一个士兵和士官对这项任务都非常重要。Every soldier and officer is very important for the task.

两人共处一室,当场让安全士官看傻了眼。Two in a room, the spot to see Shalewen security officers.

艇长催促航信士官给他识别手册。The captain harried the quarter master for recognition manuals.

霍华德士官因为违抗命令而被降为小兵。Sergeant Howard was reduced to the ranks for disregard of orders.

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航信士官通过机舱令钟传达了命令。The quartermaster rang up the order on the engine room telegraph.

对士官柏利的嘉奖提升了潜艇官兵的士气而受到欢迎。The award for PO Bailey came as a welcome morale boost for the crew.

克洛夫特和工兵爆破排的一个士官走了出来。Croft and a sergeant from the pioneer and demolition platoon stepped up.

士官Sullivan开始修理损坏的夜视仪。Sergeant Sullivan began work on a backlog of broken night-vision goggles.

巴格拉季翁公爵问一个站在炮弹箱旁边的炮兵士官。Prince Bagration asked of the artilleryman standing at the ammunition boxes.

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有的士官自嘲为“战场上的老虎,情场上的老鼠”。Some NCOs mockingly refer to themselves as "tigers in war but mice in love."

然后我与一些下级军官、上尉、士官等交流。Then I went out and talked to my junior officers, warrant officers and NCOs.

评委们评价说,“柏利士官有杰出的表现,他是军队的光荣,是传统潜艇厨师的骄傲。”He is a credit to the Service and to the proud tradition of the submariner chef.

这样打造出精通熟练的士官和军官干部是非常宝贵的。They can also be invaluable in creating a well versed cadre of NCOs and Officers.

尉官,甚至士官和列兵都受到训练做一个战斗企业家。Lieutenants, even corporals and privates, are trained to be entrepreneurial in combat.

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海军士官生方阵在肯尼迪总统就职典礼的阅兵仪式上。Naval cadets in President John F. Kennedy's Inauguration Parade. Washington, Dc', US. 1961

那些一百金龙的条约是给士官们的,下面的那些数目突然变大了。The hundred-dragon notes were all for serjeants. Below them the amounts suddenly grew larger.

为提高护理士官卫生勤务保障能力,适应新时期军队需要,要重视对护理士官的教育。In order to enhance the ability of NNCO's sanitation service, adapt to new age military's need.