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缩小你的梦想!Downsize your dreams!

所以缩小你的焦点。So narrow your focus.

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你也能照相缩小。You can photo-reduce.

这条蛇的体积缩小了。The snake dwindled in size.

医生缩小了他的研究范围。The doctor narrows his study.

疟疾分布图正在缩小。The malaria map is shrinking.

是否震级被缩小了?Was the magnitude underplayed?

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通过元搜索技术缩小差距Bridging the Gap With Meta-Search

每一步把空间缩小一半。Getting rid of half at each step.

他看上去一下子又缩小回去了。He seemed to have shrinked again.

比如缩小到一半或者三分之一,对不对?You reduce it in third. All right?

平滑扼流圈线圈可以缩小。Smoothing choke coil can be downsized.

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可以在流程上进行缩小和放大。You can zoom in and out on the process.

眼下,小布什的优势已经缩小到了154票。Bush’s margin was now down to 154 votes.

我可以两步把问题的规模缩小一半。That's a sign that it's probably linear.

这气流缩小别人的场。This blast deflates the field of another.

我离职是因为我公司缩小编制。I left my job because my company downsized.

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缩小了搜索的范围。I've calmly and slowly narrowed the search.

难道你不知道自己已经缩小了吗?Dont you know youve been shrinking yourself?

选择缩放区域。右键单击可缩小。Select zooming area. Right-click to zoom out.