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他摔了个四脚朝天。His feet stuck up in the air.

我的敌人四脚朝天树下躺。My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

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那只马在草丛里,将跌个四脚朝天。The horse will slip up bad in the grass.

一个汉子走过来,用力把海龟翻个四脚朝天。A man came and slammed the turtle out fall.

这名女乘客四脚朝天地躺在地上,并在地上打滚哭闹。The woman, sprawled on the ground, was seen wailing.

最后更被重重一推,四脚朝天摔在地上。Finally she is pushed to the ground and falls on her back.

他想要跟别人一样跳很高,却总是摔得四脚朝天。He tried to jump high like the others, but he always fell.

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四脚朝天摔得巧,没伤胳膊没伤脑。Luckily it didn't hurt his arms and brains but fell on his head.

有时,也会出现这种扭曲身体四脚朝天的睡姿。Sometimes, he twists his body like this and rolling on the floor.

所以尽管我忙得四脚朝天,尽管我严重缺乏睡眠,尽管我筋疲力尽,我还是心情愉悦,很快乐。So even though I am madly busy, seriously lacking of sleep, and exhausted, I am literally happy.

那个梦悠悠、美滋滋的舟子四脚朝天,跌倒在船底。The dreamer, the joyous oarsman , lay on his back at the bottom of the boat, his heels in the air.

那个梦悠悠、美滋滋的舟子四脚朝天,跌倒在船底。The dreamer , the joyous oarsman , lay on his back at the bottom of the boat , his heels in the air.

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他捂着胸口,鲜花也掉在地上,跌跌撞撞地向后倒去,最终四脚朝天地躺在码头上。His hands flew to his chest and, dropping the flowers, he stumbled backward and sprawled on the pier.

甲虫在积水中游着躲雨,因为在雨中湿透了,它有时滑倒,有时摔得四脚朝天。Beetle swam to avoid the rain, but it sometimes fell down and turned him over because the Beetle was soaked in rain.

如果你把它放在盆子里,它会爬呀爬,直到整个立起来,然后摔个四脚朝天。If you put it in a pot, it will climb climbing oh, until the entire legislation, and then crashed a tetrapod overturned.

人群将我带到了草坪的中心,然后把我像一堆狗屎一样四脚朝天的丢在地上。The crowd carried me out to the center of the lawn, then dropped me on my back in what felt like a pile of fresh dog waste.

这是湿的雪,也叫融雪,是让人讨厌的雪,是让我像卡通人物般滑倒让我四脚朝天的雪。This is wet snow, also as known as slushie , annoying snow and snow that makes me slip in a cartoon character style. Legs up.

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我们先说说这些四脚朝天式狼狈失败相,最近老让我禁不住哼起来那首旧时儿歌“我的桶上有个窟窿。”First, let’s talk about the pratfalls, which have lately had me humming the old children’s song “There’s a Hole in My Bucket.”

只见她端庄地出来,微笑地招待贵客时,不慎绊在桌子脚上跌了个四脚朝天。See she comes out dignifiedly only, when serving expensive customer smilingly, stumbled to drop on table leg carelessly an on sb's head.

妇女们不得不穿上高跟鞋和欧式女装,在鹅卵石铺的路上步履蹒跚,有时甚至会摔得四脚朝天Women had to wear high heels and they were tottering along and falling on the cobblestones wearing high heels and European style dresses.