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山茶红似火。The camellia blossoms are a more fiery scarlet.

杜鹃红山茶是一种珍贵珍稀濒危植物,属山茶科山茶属。Camellia azalea is a rare plant which is in face of danger.

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红茶和绿茶都来自于一种称之为山茶的植物。Black and green tea comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis.

贮藏用的高山茶茶叶罐最好为不透明之密闭容器请安心饮用。Using the unviable jar will be the best, then can feel free to drink.

四川省山茶属植物目前至少有29种3变种。There are at least 29 species and 3 variants of genus Camellia in Sichuan.

丰富的有机质,为山茶提供了良好的生长条件。Rich in organic matter, for the Camellia provides a good growing conditions.

耐冬山茶作为青岛市的市花,近年来备受关注。Camellia japonica as the floral emblem of Qingdao, In recent years, concerned.

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影响杜鹃红山茶种群发展的其它因素亟需进一步研究。Further studies on the factors limiting population development are urgently required.

茶属于山茶科,为常绿灌木或小乔木植物,植株高达1-6米。Theaceae Tea is for the evergreen shrub or small tree plants, plant up to 1-6 meters.

它是一种保持山茶口味、香气、维生素和性质的天然汁液。It is a camellia to maintain flavor, aroma, vitamins and nature of the natural juices.

猪血木与山茶亚科的花器官发生明显不同。The floral development of E. excelsum is distinctly different from plants in Theoideae.

春天来了,美丽的山茶开放了,谁又会注意到它呢!Spring has come, the beautiful Camellia opened, and who would like to note that it does!

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油茶是山茶科植物属植物油,我国是世界上油茶籽产量最大、品种最多的国家。Camellia is a vegetable oil, which is the world's largest varieties camellia oil in China.

高山茶指的是种植在海拔1000米以上的茶叶。The term "high mountain" applies to any tea grown at an elevation of 1000 meters of higher.

只有到了寒露季节,人们才能去山上采摘山茶花籽。People are not allowed to go to the mountains to pick the seeds until Cold Dew comes around.

Tsay过去是强烈反对高山茶种植的,直到他遇到了陈的家庭。Tsay himself used to be a strongly against high mountain tea farms until he met the Chen family.

酒液的馥郁香气中蕴涵着牛奶杏仁花生糖、香橙、白山茶和洋槐花蜜的气息。The wine shows its full complexity, with aromas of nougat, orange, white flowers and acacia honey.

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综上结果,可预测,山茶科CHS基因家族较大,且有着复杂的进化式样。It is suggested that the CHS gene family in Theaceae is large, which has complex evolutionary mode.

小种群和人为活动干扰是杜鹃红山茶现存种群的主要限制因素。Small population size and human disturbances are the main limiting factors for the extant population.

原来铁壶中投插着的山茶,竟开了四朵白色的鲜花!啊,清秋活在我壶里了!It was the deep inserted camellias in the mental kettle that bloomed four delicate white fresh flowers.