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此代表法身佛,故可置于佛堂上供奉。It represents the Dharmakaya of Buddha, so one can put it on altar and worship.

佛堂房子绘有释迦牟尼人像和已故的达赖喇嘛人像。The Hall of the Buddha houses gold-traced portraits of Sakyamuni and deceased Dalai Lamas.

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佛堂,道观,或是红色年代轰轰烈烈的大运动,工厂都留下了深刻的文化遗产。Buddha hall, Tao hall, or the athletics of the red-time, factory left a lot of history marks.

情绪失控、发怒或忧郁时赶快叩首或回佛堂。Prostrate immediately or return to the temple when you fail to control your temper or become blue.

帝刹桀走了进去,佛堂的只点着几点烛火。很暗。The emperor Cha Jie walked into, of Buddhist temple mandated what period candle light. It is very dingy.

因为要照顾孩子,这位妈妈选择在佛堂外头背诵经文。Having to take care of her child, this volunteer chooses to recite the sutra outside the worshipping hall.

苍山石佛堂位于阜平县城关镇苍山村西南,明代石窟寺。Cangshan stone temple is located in the southwest village of Fuping Cangshan county towns, Ming cave temples.

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结束了佛堂的早课,万佛城附设中、小学的学生准备回教室上「正课」。After a morning service, students at the middle and primary schools affiliated with the Sagely City return to the classroom.

一张皈依证、几帧佛像、念珠,观护所的孩子就在狱舍内布置出一间小佛堂。With a conversion certificate, a few statues, and prayer beads, the kids have cobbled together Buddhist altars in their rooms.

在家中佛堂或清净之处,供上一只金黄色的财神宝瓶,保你事业顺利,财源滚滚!In the pure place or altar of your house, put the magic vase of God of wealth, may your business go smoothly, earn more fortune!

在一些被用作小佛堂的石窟中,画师用青金石蓝和土红色描绘了佛陀的一生,图案从地面延伸到窟顶。Some of the caves used as chapels featured floor-to-ceiling paintings in lapis blue and earth reds that depict the life of the Buddha.

这时候大太太从佛堂出来把梅老爷叫道了一边,大太太告诉梅老爷说他不能去送绑银。Big at this time from the plum is situated out master call way one side, Mrs. Bennet said big tell may, he cant go to send tied silver.

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本文重点论述了辽西大平房—梅勒营子盆地九佛堂组含珍稀化石的地层划分与对比。This paper mainly describes division and correlation of unique fossil-bearing horizons of the Jiufotang Formation in DapingfangMeileyingzi Basin.

后来她的佛堂要布置起来了,我就将此像安在关房的小供桌上,准备归还给她。Later when her altar room was soon to be set up, I set this statue on the small altar table in my retreat room in anticipation of returning it to Bi He.

卧佛堂神龛里,供奉着的是另一尊玉雕佛像,长96厘米,侧卧在红木榻上。The other, housed in a shrine in the Sleeping Buddha Hall, is also carved in white jade. 96 cm in length, the Buddha lies reclining on a mahogany couch.

本文经由过程发掘佛堂古镇的历史价值,展望其开发构想,对其未来的发展进行一定的展望。This paper reviews the historical value and future prospect of the ancient town of Fotang, and by doing so provides some proposals for its further development.

为了保障公主一路顺风,唐太宗命沿途官府修路架桥,造船制筏,建筑佛堂,开辟通道。Bon voyage to protect the Princess, Emperor Taizong ordered Guanfu road bridges along the way, shipbuilding system raft, building a Buddhist shrine, open channel.

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也许是佛堂里的师父对我的关爱,在他渊博的知识熏陶下,对周易和佛理的探索成为使命。Perhaps benefited from the care of the monk in Buddhist temple and his profound knowledge, discovering "Book of Changes" and theory of Buddhism has become my target.

飞檐走壁的中国馆内设戏院、佛堂与茶室,戏曲杂技演员轮番表演,吸引了如潮的游客。An opera house, a Buddhist pavilion, a tea hourse and other fixtures drew a great number of visitors. Chinese actors and craftsmen displayed their talents to the world.

结论利用灰色系统理论,能够为该区交2断块九佛堂组储层作出较为可靠的地质解释和评价。Conclusion in Jiufotang formation of Jiao 2 fault block, reliable geology interpretation and evaluation results can be obtained through the application of grey system theory.