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印度在组建一支强大的海军。India is building a great navy.

我说,“也许组建一个乐队太麻烦了!”Maybe a band is too much trouble.

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他们将组建一个桥牌俱乐部。They will organize a Bridge Club.

同时也是组建同盟的意义所在。And that's worth of having an ally.

如果我们要组建一支雪橇队。If we're going to be a dogsled team.

重新组建叛乱武装。Reorganizing the armed rebel forces.

陆克文本希望届时讨论组建一个包括中国在内的亚太区域机构,而中国却只派遣一位职位较低的官员参加。Instead China sent a lowlier official.

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在903年被组建为一属地。It was organized as a territory in 903.

你在重新组建亚特兰蒂斯的军队。You're rebuilding the army of Atlantis.

王利波曾组建乐队,担任乐队鼓手。Established and played as a band drummer.

现在团队已经组建完成并且开始运转起来。Now the student teams are off and running.

由海南省贸促会组建。The Pavilion is organised by CCPIT Hainan.

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阳市酱油厂是1956年公私合营时组建的国营企业。It is a state-run enterprise set up in 1956.

我国将组建国家级有线电视网络公司。China to set up national cablevision network.

他们仿效英国模式组建自己的海军。They organized their navy on an English model.

2002年,马木尔来到了北京并组建了IZ乐队。In 2002, Mamer arrived in Beijing and formed IZ.

贝尼特斯正为球队进行着一些特别的组建。Rafa Benítez is building something special here.

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组建分段项目经理部。Establishment of divisional Project Manager Dept.

和一些博友组建一支寻宝队。Create a treasure hunt with some blogging friends.

组建一个团队以帮助获得各自领域的最佳知识。Build a team to help get the best from their areas.