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你犯不着去抱怨。It is beneath you to complain.

犯不着把时间浪费在我这儿。You're wasting your time with me.

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你的确犯不着为他感到惋惜!He is no object of regret, indeed!

你犯不着逢人便说。You didn't have to tell everybody.

我不过是说了个请字,犯不着拉屎在我头上吧?I wonder, the word 'Please' could make you shit on my body.

在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。It isn't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems.

你犯不着可怜这些流浪汉,这都是些瘪三。‘You don’t want to have any pity on these tramps—scum, they are.

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我倒觉得一个外科大夫真犯不着花太多的时间去补鞋子。I don't see why a surgeon should spend very much time cobbling shoes.

本论坛使用人数有限,你们也犯不着这样浪费时间和生命。Limited number of users of this forum, you also waste of time and life so worthwhile.

你还是回到你的舞伴身边去欣赏她的笑脸吧,犯不着把时间浪费在我的身上。You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles, for you are wasting your time with me.

心想我大老远跑来探望,也许我不该穿的这么华丽,可是你也犯不着这样揭我的疮疤吧!He thought that I come far to visit you, and perhaps I should not wear so flamboyance clothes but you shouldn't rip up my scar like this.

我现在不做计划,但是一般都能实现目标。做计划似乎有些犯不着。我还用得着做计划吗?I don't create plans now, and I don't have a problem achieving my goals most of the time. Planning seems overkill. So why bother with it?

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企业界那些精明的首席执行官们现在也承认,在网络和结盟的时代,公司犯不着打击他人就可以大把地赚钱。Hard-nosed CEOs in the business world now recognize that in the era of networks and alliances, companies can make billions without beating others.

中国和俄罗斯犯不着与美国交战。我们在自我毁灭这条途径上走得风风火火。他们该想我们是有多蠢啊。China and Russia dont need to war with the United States. We are doing a great job bankrupting and destroying ourselves. What fools they must think we are.

父母若是骂,或打我们几下子,就承受下来,痛一下也就过去了,犯不着小题大作,以为就是虐待。If our parents scold or hit us a few times, we might as well bear it, for the pain will go away soon. There's no need to make a big deal and think they are abusing us.

“也犯不着使用迫击炮和燃烧弹这类的武器,”另一名士兵说,“我感觉军队是在找机会炫耀自己的强悍。”"There was no need to use weapons like mortars or phosphorous, " said another. "I have the feeling that the army was looking for the opportunity to show off its strength."

假如某人想成为你生命中的一部分,他应当为此付出努力。犯不着在心灵里为那些无意停留的人预备一个空间。If a person wants to be a part of your life he will make an obvious effort to do so. Don't bother reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay.

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当然,美联储的任务是在美国国内最大限度地促进可持续就业和保持物价稳定,犯不着去担心自己的政策对其它国家产生的影响.Of course, the Fed's mandate is to support maximum sustainable employment and stable prices in the United States, not to fret over the effects of its policies on other nations.