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这是故事梗概。迷糊餐馆。This is the outline of the story.

请告诉我这项工作的梗概。Please give me a general idea of the work.

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他正在为一篇书评撰写故事梗概。He is abstracting a story for a book review.

玛丽为这篇书评写故事梗概。Mary abstracted a story for the book review.

更有甚者,可以写出100个未来博文的题目,或者再为他们写出内容梗概,描绘博文可能的内容。Even better, create 100 titles of forthcoming posts.

伍德为他们的故事勾勒出了一个合理的梗概。Wood roughed out a possible framework for their story.

能写故事梗概、论文及正式书信。To summarize stories and write essays and formal letters.

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所有人都拿到路加福音和使徒行传的梗概了吗?Did everyone get a handout of the outline of Luke and Acts?

别忘了,此提要只为用户提供一个梗概。Recall that this feed provides only a synopsis to the user.

以下这些梗概都是摘自我的邮件采访。The following are principles extracted from that email interview.

所以,你便对婴儿人口的数量略知梗概。And so you come up with pretty good proxies for the baby population.

中国百合科的系统梗概及对今后研究的一些意见。A preliminary survey and comments on future studies of Chinese Liliaceae.

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用采访收集到的信息概括出内容梗概。Outline your story using the information you learned from your interviews.

请告诉我们电影的名字及故事梗概。Please tell us the name of your movie and briefly summarize the story line.

指出空间和时间上的海地。一个社会历史和文化方面的梗概。Locating Haiti in space and in time. A socio-historical and cultural sketch.

他记得这出悲剧的梗概,但戏的细节已不记得了。He retained the broad outline of the tragedy but not the details of the play.

也许你愿意根据记忆把全案的梗概谈一谈吧。Perhaps you would kindly give me a sketch of the course of events from memory.

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而最使人欢愉的事梗概莫过于花全部由自己赚来的钱了!The most delighted thing was perhaps that Icould spend the money Iearned all by myself.

早在去年夏天,我就知道了她的故事梗概,但我一直信守保持沉默的承诺。I've known since last summer -- and agreed to keep silent about -- the arc of her story.

预算委员会的长篇报告的梗概已提交市长批示。A sketch of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.