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这是内河港。This is an inland port.

接下来,我混合了一些内河船倒。Next I mixed up some RTV and poured.

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港湾内河航标灯照明电源。Harbor inland river pharos illumination power source.

他们已将货物转运到一艘内河汽船里。They have transshipped the cargo into a river steamer.

该术语只能用于海运或内河运输。This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway.

美国和德国是内河航运强国。America and Germany do well in inland river navigation.

内河航道落后面貌得到了明显改善。Backward inland waterways have been improved distinctively.

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我是混合内河船在厨房里和她是混合蛋糕组合。I was mixing RTV in the kitchen and she was mixing cake mix.

适用于海洋船舶和舰艇,也可用于内河船舶。Used for sea-going ship and warships, also for inland ships.

即FOB条款只适用于海运或者是内河运输。FOB term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.

该术语仅适用于海运和内河运输。This term can be used only for sea and inland waterway transport.

每个星期天我们都会去桑戈内河,有一天,我们看到了一条这么大的鳟鱼。Every Sunday we go to the Sangone. The other day, a trout this big.

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珠江航运有着悠久的传统,是我国内河航运第二大水系。It is the second biggest river in Chinese inland navigation rivers.

本术语仅用于海运或内河运输。This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transportation.

因而内河高速船采用了双向密加筋板船体结构这种形式。So inland river high-speed ship adopts multi-stiffened plate hull structures.

雪耶内河、红河及布法罗河流经该区。The Sheyenne, Red, and Buffalo Rivers all flow through the area pictured here.

高能蒸汽机船开始在内河和海上运载货物和旅客。High-powered steamboats began to carry goods and passengers on rivers and seas.

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在这些基础上,研究了中国内河运输的合理定位与发展战略。Finally, reasonable status and development strategy of Chinese IWT are discussed.

年内,抵港的远洋船和内河船约共236000航次。About 236000 sea-going and river-trade vessels arrived in Hong Kong during the year.

内河航运船舶。舵手室和控制台。结构型号。安全技术要求。Inland navigation vessels. Wheelhouse and control position. Types, safety requirements.