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曼萨的建立目的是甚么?What are Mensa's goals?

琼斯先生正在干甚么?What'sMr. Jones doing ?

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他为甚么拿走我的书?Whys he getting my books?

挂虑究竟有甚么用处?What is the use of worrying?

玛丽阿姨的生日是甚么时间?。When is Aunt Marys birthday?

这议案是在甚么时辰被提出会商的?When was the bill called up?

为甚么要等待另一个五年?Why wait another fiver years?

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正在阿谁盒子里有甚么?Is there anything in that box?

甚么是教跋文?What is a teaching postscript?

下礼拜五您们筹算干甚么?What are you doing next Friday?

这个句字是甚么意思?What does the word "XXXXX" mean?

下一堂客我们要带甚么?What shall we bring for next class?

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甚么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。There is no hiding from lover's eye.

哦,是啊,没有甚么不顺心的事变发生在我身上。Oh, yes, not a thing to go against me.

你为甚么不先去交个朋友?Why don't you start by making friends?

你说甚么来着,乡巴佬,'不多'?" Ì"What do you say, fellow? Not much?

睹告他们甚么是短好的,甚么是好的。Tell them what is bad and what is good.

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我们自己也不能明白我们到底在做甚么。We cannot understand what we are doing.

迦勒问他说,你要甚么。And Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?

她没有情愿甚么也没有干枯坐正在阂薛。She doesn't like to sit there doing nothing.