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赵勇是一个小贩。Zhao Yong was a peddler.

他们逮捕了这个小贩。They arrested the pedlar.

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小贩叫卖他的商品。The peddler bawled his wares.

他是一个没有固定住所的小贩。He is a pedlar of no fixed abode.

朗恩和翠西跟小贩谈话。Ron and Trish talk to the vendor.

小贩们大声叫卖货物。The hucksters barked their wares.

他是所有小贩中最会吹牛的。He is the braggest of all pedlars.

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我想那个小贩应该还在那里。I think the vendor is still there.

小贩使秤盘稍微偏向一边。The pedlar cast the scale slightly.

有多少小贩批发它了?How many vendors are wholesaling it?

没人不知北方小贩Everybody's heard of Yankee peddlers.

小贩示意要我跟他走。The pedlar beckoned me to follow him.

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许多沿街叫卖的小贩会讲普通话。Many street vendors can speak Mandarin.

小贩每天都能把进的货卖完。The vendor can turn his stock every day.

而那个小贩谢谢他,手忙脚乱地走了。The vendor thanked him and peddled away.

最后水果小贩使用诡计获得成功。At last the vendor succeeds through ruses.

小贩沿街叫卖货物。Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.

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小贩叫卖苹果和梨。The peddler bawled about apples and pears.

那小贩在撒谎欺骗小孩。The pedlar was stuffing the boy with lies.

妇女们正在与小贩讨价还价。The women are bartering with the barrowman.