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我们都有资格。All of us qualify.

他被取消比赛资格了!He was disqualified.

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我就没资格唠叨。I'm not qualified to gab.

火灾现场接续自己的会员资格。at the scene of the fire.

谁有资格坐第一排呢?Who gets a first-row seat?

他获得了律师资格。He was admitted to the bar.

你完全有资格一试。You’re obviously qualified.

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每个买家通过资格预审的。Each buyer is pre-qualified.

他取得了工程师资格。He graduated as an engineer.

我算老几,哪有资格去批评人?。Who am I to criticize others?

父亲剥夺了自己继承人的继承资格。The father disowned his heirs.

世卫组织对疫苗进行了资格预审。WHO pre-qualified the vaccine.

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他21岁就取得了律师资格。He was called to the bar at 21.

没有持续的成员资格。There is no ongoing membership.

赵某符合担任股份有限公司董事资格。Mr. Zhao can serve as a director.

他刚取得律师资格。He has just qualified as a lawyer.

约会前注册和获得资格。ID and pre-qualify before meeting.

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很遗憾你被取消比赛资格了。It's a pity you were disqualified.

但首先他必须取得参赛资格。But he has to qualify first. The U.

只有公民有选举资格。Only citizens are eligible to vote.