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正好被阿帕查撞见,惹起一场轩然大波。Just be the check caught, to provoke up a storm.

在法国,一本新书在文学界引起了轩然大波。A new book out in France has a literary world buzzing.

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谢导的死讯在影视圈内外都引起了轩然大波。His sudden death shocked not only those in the film circles.

但此时若出现一个使股市下跌的事件,那么则会引起市场的轩然大波。But if something makes market fall , the drop can be a doozy.

谢导的死讯在影视圈内外都引起了轩然大波。His sudden death shocked not only those in the film circles.

没料到芝麻大的事儿竟会引起这样一场轩然大波。Who could have thought a trivial matter would cause such a stir?

1987年,新西兰帆船队采用以玻璃纤维为材料的帆船参赛,引来一场轩然大波。In 1987 New Zealand created a furor by racing in a fiberglass boat.

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青宁乡岩门村滑坡的发生在国内外引起了轩然大波。The landslide occurred in the village caused a stir at home and abroad.

没料到芝麻大的事儿竟会引起这样一场轩然大波。No one would expect a trivial thing could cause such a great disturbance.

刘翔肖像权侵权纠纷案引起了轩然大波,与之相关的法律问题更值得我们深思。The case of Liu Xiang's right to portrait has caused a great disturbance.

2010年初,火星的小卫星福波斯在天文界掀起轩然大波。Mars’ tiny moon Phobos created a big stir among astronomers in early 2010.

没料到芝麻大的事儿竟会引起这样一场轩然大波。I never thought this matter as gingeli will arouse such a great disturbance.

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关于“假日经济”的大讨论在中国引起了轩然大波。The argumentation on"holiday economic"had aroused a violent disturbance in China.

四年前,伊美黛的鞋子引起了轩然大波,而今却换成了艾莲娜的鞋子。Four years ago, it was Imelda's shoes that caused the fuss. Now, it's Elena's shoes.

四年前,伊美黛的鞋子引起了轩然大波,而今却换成了艾莲娜的鞋子。Four years ago, it was Imelda's shoes that caused the fuss. 2 Now, it's Elena's shoes.

但是,一位著名神经科学家重提此论,并把前后掉转,引起轩然大波。However, one prominent neuroscientist has sparked a storm by picking it up and turning it round.

如果他想要写有关经济方法论的文章,在南方肯定能引起轩然大波。North has a claim on people’s attention if he wants to write about the methodology of economics.

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阿罗约会面临更大的压力来寻求公正,因为这起事件引起的轩然大波。Arroyo may face greater pressure to pursue justice in this case because of the uproar it has created.

但路德维希的建议注定会在家长中引起轩然大波,可能还让他们感到十分羞愧。But Ludwig's suggestion is bound to spark outrage — and perhaps more than a little shame — in parents.

近期出台的关于清算土地增值税的政策,更是在房地产行业掀起了一股轩然大波。Especially the land increment tax constituted recently gives a great impact to the real estate market.