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我是个情窦初开的女孩!I'm a big big girl !

我们就是不明白,母亲为什么还认为我们是情窦初开的少女呢?We just don't understand why still think we are mother puppy love girl?

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酸是情窦初开而内心矜持的牧羊人。Sour is the heart of shepherd, reserved and sprang inside a blossom of virgin love.

当我少女时代情窦初开时,你的芬芳就缭绕在我的心房。When in girlhood my heart was opening its pedals, you hovered as fragrance about it.

想当年这部影片曾经使多少青少年怦然心动、情窦初开啊。Think that year, this film once made how much teenager however move, and onset of puberty.

当时的这一批人,正值青春发育之际,情窦初开,性冲动萌然而生。These people at that time, just when the youth develop a moment, onset of puberty and the sexual impulse harbours however livings.

我托腮看着荷塘、凉亭中情窦初开的小儿女,忆起许多往昔岁月。I give Sai to looking at the pediatric female of onset of adolescence in the lotus reservoir, arbor and caution many early times yearses.

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今夜,幽深的黑暗中薄云微掩星辰,恰似情窦初开的少女,羞涩地用围巾掩饰脉脉含情的双眸。Tonight, there is a touch of light clouds seal the stars in the deep darkness as if a shy virgin hide her goo-gooe eyes behind the scarf.

一想到昨晚,心里边就好象有只情窦初开的小白兔在扑通扑通的乱蹦,羞死人了。The thought of last night, heart side as if there is only a small rabbit First love the chaos in the thump thump spring, die of shame people.

待到情窦初开,正如那桃花流水,好奇地留连着沿途的风光。Treats begins to be interested in the opposite sex, just like that peach blossom running water, is lingering curiously scenery along the way.

情窦初开的雨花,盛开在夏季的湖面上,像一串美丽的笑声。愿你笑口常开,幸福安康!The media made yuhua district, bloom on the surface of the lake in the summer, like a bunch of beautiful laughter. Wish you smile, happy life!

虽然也描写了学生们情窦初开的爱情,但主线却致力于展现高考这一社会现实和人生的希望。The show, adopted from Japanese animated cartoon Dragon Sakura, focuses on the university admission exam to display hopes in life and in society.

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儿时的情投意合在成长的历程中被慢慢埋葬,情难却,淡了,再也没有情窦初开时的热血。Childhood agree in opinion in the course of growth were slowly buried, but difficult, weak, no first awakening interest in the opposite sex of the blood.

高一飞想方设法逗杜鹃开心,情窦初开的杜鹃基本经不起高一飞的保护,内心渐渐滋生出一种异常的感情。GaoYiFei trying to tease cuckoo cuckoo's puppy love is happy, GaoYiFei protection, the basic stand out a kind of heart started to foster abnormal feelings.

我觉得女儿是被“骗”了,但她自己觉得那个男人不过是比较注意她,这对15岁情窦初开的女孩来说都是一种诱惑。I feel that she was being "groomed" on the internet, but she feels that he was simply taking notice of her, which is always going to be appealing for a 15-year-old.

最迷人的关系。从两个经常打打闹闹的孩子,到少年时期亲密无间的友谊,最后成年之初情窦初开的浪漫故事。The most charming of relationships. From two children who often butted heads, a fiercely loyal friendship as two teenagers, to a blossoming romance in early adulthood.

“她们非常好看,”蝴蝶说,“简直是一群情窦初开的可爱的小姑娘,但是太不懂世事。”"Neat little schoolgirls, but a bit too sweet. " For, like all very young men, he preferred older girls. So he flew to the anemones, but they were a bit too bitter for his taste.

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导演马楚成称这部115分钟长的电影情节跌宕起伏,主角设定为集动作高手、孝顺女儿和情窦初开的少女于一身的形象。The film's Hong Kong director, Jingle Ma, says the new 115-minute Mulan is a sweeping melodrama that depicts the central character as an action hero, dutiful daughter and wistful romantic.