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然而事与愿违。Sadly, it was not to be.

如果魔鬼训练事与愿违咋办?What if the program backfires?

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而且它还有其他事与愿违的效应。And it has had other untoward effects.

你能担保不会事与愿违吗?Can you guarantee it wouldn't strike back?

我们生活中有许多事与愿违的情况。Many things in our lives go by contraries.

然而如果事情真地都事与愿违,那么看第8点。And if things truly are against you, see No. 8.

缐事与愿违,是谁狠心伤害了谁?Counterproductive, who is cruel to hurt someone?

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他的计划事与愿违,因此他的钱全亏掉了。His plan backfired on him, and he lost all his money.

事与愿违,人们报之以“呜咽,而非惊叫”。Instead, he said, people got "a whimper, not a scream."

然而事与愿违,他们来到了一个不信任程度达到鼎沸的峰会。Instead, they arrived at a summit seething with mistrust.

不过有时候就是会事与愿违,所以我还有很多其它的妙计。So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve, as well.

这有可能改变北韩的行为,但是也可能事与愿违。That may change the North’s behavior, but it could backfire.

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这就是为什么动态地改变菜单有时候事与愿违。Also, this is why changing menus dynamically sometimes backfires.

在其它的人格类型中,这种补偿通常会事与愿违。Among other personality types, this compensation usually backfires.

卡特勒博士的研究表明这是一种事与愿违的行为。Dr. Cutler’s research suggests that this is self-defeating behavior.

诚信是心想事成的朋友,虚伪是事与愿违的伴侣。Honesty is a friend of you, partner of hypocrisy is counterproductive.

如果你的每个计划都事与愿违,你第一时间的反应是什么呢?What’s your immediate reaction when things don’t go as per your plans?

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回想一下当您这么做的时候,得到的结果是事与愿违的。Think back on a time when you did this, you know now that it backfired.

否则,它可能事与愿违,明明需要的是一本书,但最后买到的却是一张飞机票。Otherwise, it might end up buying an airline ticket when it wanted a book.

然而事与愿违的是,这条途径可能引发商家竞相降价。However, this approach can back fire if it triggers a price-cutting spiral.