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术中平均失血量500毫升。Median intraoperative blood loss was 500 mL.

别乱来,不要让他失血太多。Freeze, don't make him to lose too much blood.

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他脖子的静脉被切惭,失血而死。A vein in his neck was severed and he bled to death.

感染可能导致肝脏损伤、失血和死亡。Infection can lead to liver damage, blood loss and death.

通常情况下,病人在手术过程中会大量失血。Patients usually lose a lot of blood during the procedure.

它在美国的快递运输生意失血现象严重。Its American express-delivery business is bleeding red ink.

但我们同时也很清楚,现在还不足以完全阻断失血。But we also know that stopping the bleeding isn’t nearly enough.

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福格蒂失血严重,他被放在船上送往医院。Bleeding heavily, he flagged down a boat and was taken to hospital.

如果火不旺,你可能因为休克、失血或中暑而死亡。If the fire was small, you could die of shock, blood loss, or heatstroke.

对于骨盆骨折,失血为最常见的危及生命的并发症。In pelvic fractures, the most common life-threatening complication is bleeding.

科学家发现,米索前列醇组的平均失血量显著低于对照组。Average blood loss was found to be significantly lower in the misoprostol group.

失血过多的贫血包括急性和慢性失血的贫血。Exsanguine and overmuch anaemia includes acute and chronic and exsanguine anemia.

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重度失血过程中RSNA和HR呈现先兴奋后抑制的双相反应。RSNA and HR showed biphasic responses with initial excitation and later inhibition.

女性也可因子宫肌瘤慢性失血而流失铁和血红细胞。Women can also lose iron and red blood cells from slowly bleeding fibroids in the uterus.

发生主要原因为手术、麻醉、失血和环境因素等。The main causes of algor covered surgery, analgesia, blood loss and environmental factors.

大面积的创口造成了大量失血,很难相信克里奇还活着。The loss of blood from these wounds was traumatic. It was a wonder Kreiger was still alive.

判断产后失血量的一个有用的方法就是观察水的颜色有多深。A useful way to identify the extent of postpartum hemorrhage is how dark the water is getting.

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但是他们也应该要担心他们的孩子因为失血而死亡。But neither did they have to worry that their child would die unnecessarily for want of blood.

因为严重失血和多处缺肉,牠需要利用牠的九条命来达到好转。With heavy blood loss and bits of missing flesh, he needed to draw on his nine lives to make it.

医生们有些疑惑,如果它能用于手术室减少失血,为什么不能用于急诊室?If it can reduce bleeding in the operating room, doctors wondered, why not in the emergency room?