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本公司拥有废料回炉实力。The company has the strength of recycled waste.

然后回炉再烤5-10分钟。Return to the oven and bake for about 5-10 minutes.

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很多黄金饰物回炉后铸成了金币。Many of the gold ornaments are melt down to be made into coin.

很多黄金饰物回炉后铸成了金币。Many of the gold ornaments are melted down to be made into coins.

离火拌入面粉,徐徐倒入鲜奶,回炉煮至浓稠。Remove from heat, then stir in flour, gradually pour in milk and cook until thickened.

拉出烤盘,将糖水慢慢注入开口板栗。然后回炉再烤5-10分钟。Take out the baking tray and slowly pour the sugar solution over the slit of chestnuts.

聚氨酯是一种热塑性弹性体,这意味着它可以被熔化和重新回炉无数次。Polyurethane is a thermoplastic elastomer, meaning it can be melted and re-melted numerous times.

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该系统用于排烟,任何获得的金属微粒都将回炉。The system is intended for smoke removal. Any obtained metal particles will go back to the furnace.

不像现代仿制大马士革,布拉特即使被重新回炉,冷却后也能恢复其自然花纹和质量特征。Unlike this Damascus, Bulat restores its pattern and qualitative characteristics even after being re-melted.

将金属废料压块成形,为冶金企业提供合格的回炉料。The scrap press is used to shape metal scraps into blocks, providing qualified recovery for metallurgical plants.

派对的组织者付给客人们现金或者支票,然后把黄金运到精炼厂回炉重造。The party host pays them with cash or a check, then ships the gold to a refinery, where it is melted down and recycled.

上周测试的结果决定这周遵照的列别,或者是否需要回炉再练上一周的课程。Depending on the results of your latest test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it means you have to complete Week 5 again.

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这款游戏当时在国内的期待度颇高,然而网易却将它进行了回炉再造。This game is spent in domestic expectation at that time quite tall, however Netease had it melt down give somebody a new lease on life however.

他身体颀长,为人真挚,虽然生在寒冷的海滨,却似乎很经得起热带的气候,他浑身的肌肉硬的像回炉的饼干。He was a long, earnest man, and though born on an icy coast, seemed well adapted to endure hot latitudes, his flesh being hard as twice-baked biscuit.

转入的学生中,多数是从其他复读机构出来的,少数是大学退学回炉复读的。The students in turn, most of them from other agencies out of the Trade Union, a small number of university drop-out is the repetition of melted down.

上周测试的结果决定这周遵照的列别,或者是否需要回炉再练上一周的课程。Depending on the results of your latest test, continue with an appropriate week and column, even if it means you have to complete Week 3 or Week 4 again.

通过计算和铸件含锑量检查证明,加锑回炉铁反复使用,不会引起锑量无限地增加。Calculation and Sb content analyzing of some castings showed that repeated usage of Sb-containing returned charge would not cause infinite increasing of Sb content of castings.