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是肉丸潜水艇吗?Is it a meatball sub?

潜水艇潜入水中以躲避敌船。The submarine submerged to avoid enemy ships.

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一艘潜水艇无声地在水中滑行。A submarine glided silently through the water.

它实在像是潜水艇里的残羹剩饭。It was like eating leftovers from a submarine.

在黄色潜水艇,天是湛蓝的,水是盛绿的!Sky id blue and sea is green in our yellow submarine.

在黄色潜水艇里我们乘风破浪。And we live beneath the waves in our yellow submarine.

他的潜水艇――鹦鹉螺号,是一艘很特别的船。His submarine, the Nautilus, is an extraordinary ship.

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补给船利用战斗间隙给潜水艇以新的供应品。The supply ship refreshed the submarines between battles.

一家公司需要一艘潜水艇潜水至深海。A company needed a submarine to submerge into the deep sea.

我最喜欢的歌就是‘彭尼。兰伊’和‘黄色潜水艇’。My favourite songs are 'Penny Lane' and 'Yellow Submarine'.

潜水艇采用单轴四尾舵。The submarine has four stern rudder with a single large shaft.

直至今天,潜水员和历史学家仍在找寻扬子鳄号潜水艇。Divers and historians are still looking for the Alligator today.

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他想看看能否扫到敌方潜水艇一眼。He wanted to see if he could catch sight of the rival submarine.

在很短时间内,潜水艇上一切都封闭好了。Within a short time, everything on the submarine was buttoned up.

有些潜水艇能装人,并在水下呆好几个星期。Some submarines carry many men and stay underwater for several weeks.

我们也不必须为某种潜水艇接受一般的开始日期。No more do we have to accept a generic start date for a certain U-boat.

柴油电潜水艇由大约20公斤类船代表。Diesel-electric submarines are represented by about 20 Kilo class vessels.

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很快他又增加了太空飞船、潜水艇、汽船和展览厅。Soon he added spaceship and submarine rides, a steamboat, and exhibit halls.

“这有点像通过潜水艇的舷窗往里看,”施尼策尔说。"It's a bit like looking through a porthole in a submarine, " said Schnitzer.

美国第一艘北极星潜水艇“乔治·华盛顿号”在康涅狄格州格罗顿下水。The U. S. first Polaris submarine, George Washington at Groton in Connecticut.