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手板葫芦是葫芦的一种。Palm gourd is a gourd.

这种机器叫手板葫芦。This machine is called palm gourd.

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这个老板以打手板来惩罚那个男孩。The boss punishes that boy by hitting him on the palms.

本公司专业从事手板模型设计制作。The Company specializes in the production of hand modeling.

手板制作,在没有模具情况下能看到正式的产品。Shouban, in the absence of mold cases, see the official product.

我司是一家专业手板模型制作的公司。I Shouban Division is a professional model produced by the company.

本公司提供各种新产品的手板,模具的开发设计及制作和大货的生产。Any kind of plastic newly prototype and mould and mass production can be make by us.

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本公司擅长设计和制作各种玩具模具,塑料模具,手板模型和生产大货。My company is good at making any kind of toy mould, plastic mould, sample and prototype.

家用电器,日用品,钟表电子产品手板制作。Production of CNC Sample for home appliance, commodity, timekeeper and electronic product.

以品质求生存,以服务求发展是龙伟手板一直以来的工作理念。Quality of survival, service and development is long-Shouban have been the work of philosophy.

本公司擅长设计和制作各种塑料模具,手板模型和生产大货。My factory is good at making any kind of plastic mould, sample and prototype and mass production.

优良的品质、合理的价格、完善的服务,龙伟手板已经深获广大客户的信赖。Excellent quality and reasonable prices, better services, Long-Shouban has deep trust of our customers.

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本公司擅长设计和制作各种塑胶模具,玩具模具,手板模型,大货生产.。My factory is good at making any kind of plastic mould, toy mould, sample &prototype and mass production.

本公司擅长设计和制作各种塑料卡通人物的手板模型,模具和生产大货。My factory is good at making any kind of plastic cartoon figurine prototype and mould and mass production.

所以,手板模型就很好的避免了模具的这项缺点,在市场中也的到越来越多的重视。Therefore, the model can well avoid the mold the shortcomings, in the market also to more and more attention.

同时配备有安全网支架,间横杆,脚手板,挡脚板,架梯。Also equipped with a safety net support, between the rails, scaffold boards, block feet, shelf ladder. Pick beam.

医疗设备等手板模型和模具设计,制造及加工本公司以最优良的品质。Medical equipment such as hand model and mold design, manufacture and processing of the Company to the most excellent quality.

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公司手板模型专用加工机床、激光扫描设备齐全,是专业的手板模型设计制造公司。Company hand model dedicated machine , laser scanning equipment, are a professional hand model design and manufacturing company.

东莞马力科技有限公司精制手板的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。Following horsepower technology Co. , LTD is a producer of refined products quality, honesty and obtain approval of the industry.

欢迎各界朋友莅临东莞马力科技有限公司精制手板参观、指导和业务洽谈。Welcome friends from all circles to visit the dongguan horsepower technology Co. , LTD. Visit the guidance and refined producer of business.