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我们的学校在松仁路。Our school is on Shong-Lung Road.

这些研究没有包括松仁或者巴西坚果。The studies didn't include pine nuts or Brazil nuts.

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青葱洗净切成松仁大小。Clean the scallions and cut into pine-nut-sized pieces.

刘松仁为平淡小人物,为有钱人打工。Enthusiasm for flat small people, work for the wealthy.

榛子、松仁和杏仁是这种维他命E的良好来源。Hazelnuts , pine nuts and almonds are good resources of this type of vitamin E.

凯文返回商店买了三包美国松仁。Kevin returns to the store and buys three packages of American-grown pine nuts.

烧热锅入少许油,将松仁炒成金黄色,滤油。Heat up a skilletwith some oil. Add in pine nuts and stir-fry until lightly golden.

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烧热锅入少许油,将松仁炒成金黄色,滤油。Heat up a skillet with some oil. Add in pine nuts and stir-fry until lightly golden.

烧热锅入少许油,将松仁炒成金黄色,滤油。Heat up a skillet with some oil. Add in pine nuts and stir-fry until lightly golden.

唉可是,松仁将大师们调谐到一个天狼星梦想而非一个地球梦想。Alas, the pine nuts attuned the Grand Masters to a Sirian dream and not a dream of Terra.

烧热锅入少许油,将松仁炒成金黄色,滤油。Heat up a skillet with some oil. Add in pine nuts and stir-fry until lightly golden. Drain.

香港演员曾江和刘松仁分别饰演中国检察官和法官。Hong Kong veterans Kenneth Tsang and Damian Lau play a Chinese prosecutor and judge respectively.

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新鲜菠菜色拉配西班牙火腿,松仁,黑橄榄,小番茄,黑菌酱和黑醋。Fresh Spinach Saladserved with Spanish Ham, Pine Kernel, Black Olive, Cherry Tomato, Truffle Pate and Balsamic Vinegar.

曾在许多香港电影参与演出,建立正直形象的演员刘松仁说他非常荣幸这次饰演法官的角色。Damian Lau, known for depicting upright figures in many Hong Kong films, says he's honored to be playing the judge this time.

新鲜幼嫩的进口小菠菜配上多汁的圣女果,香喷喷的烤松仁,加上腌制过的鸡胸肉和自制凯撒沙拉酱。Lean, green baby spinach leaves with cherry tomatoes, grilled pine nuts, fresh breast of chicken, and our homemade Caesar dressing.

松仁含有比其它大部分坚果更大量的蛋白质,同时松脂和松油对消化系统也是有益的。Pine nuts are filled with protein in larger amounts than most other nuts along with pine resin and oils useful to the digestive system.

研究了松仁饮料的工艺条件及最佳配方。制成了风味独特、营养丰富的蛋白饮料。The processing and optimal formulation of pine kernel protein beverage are studied. It possesses peculiar flavor and abundant nutrition.

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研究常温下MAP对红松籽油酸价的影响,为松仁的科学贮藏提供技术参考。The influence of MAP on red pine oleic acid value at room temperature was studied to provide scientific and technical reference for storage of pine nut.

HLB值是选择乳化稳定剂的重要指标,松仁乳的HLB值在6左右,较一般的植物蛋白饮料的HLB值低,需要亲油基较多的乳化稳定剂。Pinenut milk HLB value is about 6 that is lower than ordinary plant protein beverage. So it need the emulsify stabilizer that the lipophilic group is more.

那些帕金森氏病患者也可以发现通过提升而自愈的这一机会,并食用松仁来辅助这一目标的实现。Those who are ill from Parkinson's disease may also discover the opportunity to self heal through ascension and aid this goal in the consumption of pine nuts.