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他们将会在婚礼誓词上说什么呢?What will they say in their vows?

互诉结婚誓词的那幕。The part where we exchanged marriage vows.

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法庭中使用的誓词有褂讪的格式。There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourt.

德•顾拜旦爵士亲自起草了运动员宣誓词。Baron de Coubertin drafted the athlete’s vows himself.

在南北战争后,就职誓词中加入了效忠的语句。The oath was expanded after the Civil War to include a loyalty clause.

然而这一誓词更曾在乌云笼罩和风暴袭来之时被宣读。Yet, every so often, the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms.

一去不复还是刺秦誓词,也是事变之逻辑,全诗之基点。One to Nevermore is Ciqin oath , is also incident of logic, the poem of the point.

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你必须相信,你的潜意识会使你的誓词成真的更快。You must trust that your unconscious mind will make your affirmations come true even faster.

当扎尔达里签署总统誓词时,人群中暴发出一阵欢呼声,人们高声赞美已故的布托女士。As he signed the presidential oath, the crowd erupted with cheers praising his deceased wife.

——你们的结婚誓词里面哪个部分提到你们要在有生之年读出对方的心思?What part of your vows stated you’d read each other’s minds for as long as you both shall live?

如恒古既有之盟约,无比坚定的誓词,美丽的钻石,总搭配著极美的传说。It's like an oath from the past until now, beautiful diamond always have a very beautiful story.

他制定了奥运会会章、信条和运动员誓词,规定了开幕式和闭幕式的仪式。He created the Olympic Charter, the Creed, the athlete's Oath, the opening and the closing ceremonies.

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总统宣誓的誓词除了“上帝保佑我”以外,全都是宪法所规定的,上帝保佑我是根据传统而加的。The words of the oath are in the Constitution -- all except "so help me God." That was added by tradition.

由于他的心里不断有着对李彪的誓词,即便做土匪,也要做一个光明正大的土匪。Because of his heart has LiBiao oath to continuously, even if bandits, also should make a aboveboard bandits.

于是整个大厅里的人都站了起来,面对美国国旗把右手放在胸口,然后开始背诵誓词。The entire hall stands, faces the US flag, place their right hand on their hearts and begins reciting the pledge.

第三任澳门特别行政区政府重要官员和澳门执行委员会成员也发表了誓词。Principal officials of the third-term SAR government and members of Macao's Executive Council also took their oaths.

申请人必须在境外当著一名美国领事馆或者外交官员的面,签署一份放弃国籍的誓词。The person must appearbefore a U.S.consular or diplomatic official in a foreign country and sign a renunciationoath.

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在诺丁汉郡,七对情侣将在外埠酒吧举行拉斯维加斯风格的婚礼并在婚礼上宣读结婚誓词。In Nottinghamshire, seven couples will be saying their vows in a series of Las Vegas-style ceremonies at their local pub.

“是啊,”老家伙说。而他做到了。人群中站着,双手在心中,背诵效忠誓词极大的掌声。"Yeah, " the old guy said. And he did. The crowd stood, hands over hearts, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to great applause.

这是郑成功正告荷兰殖民者的庄严誓词,也是他“十年始克复先基”的意愿。" Zheng Chenggong this solemn oath to tell the Dutch colonialists, but also his "Ten years before the first base recover, "the will.