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正视它,我们才会活的坦然!Face it, we will live in calm!

当林妮望着她时,她坦然一笑。She smiled broadly at Lini's stare.

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他看上去是紧张还是坦然?Does he look nervous or comfortable?

任凭他将我吞没,坦然迎接惧意!I gave myself upo be scared and devoured!

落红无数,还是不能坦然面对。Fallen flowers numerous, or not comfortable with.

面对我的镜头,有的孩子好奇,有的平静坦然。Facing my camera, some kis curious, some peaceful.

对于失利,荷兰队教练伯特范马尔维克显得很坦然。Dutch coach Bert Van Marwijk was gracious in defeat.

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坦然对待成功和失败。Acknowledge your successes along with your downfalls.

他很坦然地对自己缺乏阅读技能表示后悔。He was openly repentant about his lack of reading skills.

不过她给大家提出的建议是,为自己的坦然骄傲。But her advice to others is to pride yourself on saying no.

她心底坦然回答了这位陌生人的全部询问。She gave ingenuous answers to the strangers' entire question.

在这张图片中,威廉和凯瑟琳看起来是那么的坦然自若。In this photo William and Catherine look natural and spontaneous.

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铁杆吃客坦然坐下并不急于下嘴,只微笑着看着远方。The customer wasn't anxious to eat but to stare into the distance.

汇海后悔错信力行,力行坦然要取走夹万内的宝物。Hui hai regret wrong letter, acting calm to take all the treasures.

我可以坦然面对因病死去的厄运,却不能承受因政治而亡。I can face dying because of a disease, but not because of politics.

坦然喧嚣,率性而为。止在无为,洗却铅华。Frank hustle, spontaneousness. Check in inaction, but while washing.

有这么一家店,店员很坦然地招呼我进来坐。Have so an inn, counterjumper very calm ground accost I come in sit.

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但这破窗而入的空气又过于清冷,使他无法坦然地长久吸取。But the air was too fresh and chill to be long breathed with comfort.

大家将会修饰打扮一番,并且在镜头之前坦然自若。Everyone will be groomed and polished and comfortable with the cameras.

你必须勇敢。享受那华丽的烟火。坦然面对。Dear, You must be brave. Enjoy that magnificent fireworks. Frankly face.