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我经常翻阅习作簿來温习。I often go over my exercise books for revision.

如何激活习作兴趣,提高习作技能?。How to activate writing interest and improve writing skill?

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下面这首习作就难产于当时的茫然不知所措中。The following is the first project of dystocia at that time loss.

到了三年级,语文书上出现了“习作”二字。The end of the third grade, Chinese book appeared "tritych" 2 words.

这首诗是诗人白居易参加科举考试时的习作。This poem was composed by Bai Juyi when he attended the imperial examination.

课程615共有两份习作,修习课程647的学生仅须完成第一份习作。There are two take-home exercises for 615. Enrollees in 647 do only the first.

习作以课堂以外时间完成,旨在令学生毋须写作太快并能做得更好。I use the take-home format so that a student does not have to write fast to do well.

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习作可以在最后期限提前一天的课堂上提交,或者通过电子邮件附件的方式提交。You may submit the paper in class one day before the due date, or by email attachment.

主体间性视野下的习作教学,每个人都是主体,不存在纯粹的客体。Everybody is the subject but not absolute object in the view of the inter-subjectivity.

两份作业之内容及供参考之去年作业习作如下。The two take-home exercises for this semester are below, as well as one from last year.

网上语言学习作为一种时新学习趋势正在悄然兴起。Online language learning has emerged as an updated learning trend for the web-based learners.

本文运用主位推进的理论研究英文习作中的“离题”作文。This paper looks into an" off-subject" composition from the thematic progression perspective.

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梵高采了些向日葵回家,画了最早的四幅向日葵习作。Van Gogh picked some up from the gutter, and began to paint his first four Sunflower studies.

引导学生用心去观察发现,丰富的习作素材。Two, leading the student work hard to the observation detection, abundant of workbook material.

学生应以三个小时完成一份习作,或以合共三小时的分段完成。Students have three hours for an exercise, and some choice as to the particular three-hour period.

病文可以来源于社会、学员习作和教师的编制。Ill-written essays can be from the society, learners' exercises in composition and teachers' making-up.

学生们还通过阅读,尝试找出他人习作中的错误,对文章进行修改。The students have been editing each others work to try and find mistakes that some of them have missed.

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习作﹕试在这星期的个人敬拜中使用十诫。You might find it stimulating to use the first four commandments in your private worship times this week.

我们念幼稚园或小学时,老师会在黑板或习作本中写下生字,我们要留意老师所写的笔划照样抄写。Did your teacher in school ever write a sentence on the board or in your book and then tell you to copy it?

如果你是一位职业作家,恐怕你习作就是为了赚些零用钱。If you’re not a professional writer, pocket money is probably all you’ll ever want to earn from your words.