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穷到饥寒交迫。Poor to the hungry and cold.

日晒风吹、饥寒交迫。Sun and wind, hungry and cold.

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他们饥寒交迫的上床睡觉了。They went to bed, cold and hungry.

他回到家里,饥寒交迫。Cold and hungry, he went back home.

在这期间,我曾是饥寒交迫。I was cold and hungry some of the time.

他们饥寒交迫、疲惫不堪,经常感到害怕。They were hungry exhausted always fearful.

他们饥寒交迫、疲惫不堪,经常感到害怕。They were hungry, exhausted, always fearful.

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它很有可能迷路了,饥寒交迫。不知所措。He's probably out there lost, cold, confused.

他备受饥寒交迫之苦。He suffered a great deal from cold and hunger.

探险者们因饥寒交迫而委顿不堪。The explorers were faint from hunger and cold.

几百万美国人饥寒交迫、流离失所。Millions of Americans were left hungry and homeless.

在旧社会,他受尽饥寒交迫之苦。In old society, he was miserable from cold and hunger.

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他们告别了当初饥寒交迫的日子。They bid farewell to the original suffer hunger and cold days.

遭受暴风雪侵袭地区的人们饥寒交迫。People in the storm-stricken areas suffer from cold and hunger.

饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.

解放前,农民在饥寒交迫中挣扎着。Before the liberation, farmer is struggling in suffering hunger and cold.

在这内战最后的冬季,很多人饥寒交迫。Many were starving and freezing in this last winter of the long civil war.

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他上路潜逃一个星期后饥寒交迫,只得向警方自首了。He was cold and hungry after a week on the run so he gave himself up to the police.

总体说来,北朝鲜人民饥寒交迫、生活压抑、与世隔绝,被国外视作不懂事的孩子。NORTH KOREANS are by and large hungry , oppressed, cloistered and treated as infants.

在饥寒交迫中昏了过去,他倒在门口的垫子上并意识到他必须留下写消息。Faint with cold and hunger, he slumps to the mat and realises that he must leave a message.