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树叶在暴风雨中飘动。The leaves drift in the storm.

一面小旗在微风中飘动。A small flag fluttered in the breeze.

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旗帜在微风中飘动。The flags were dancing in the breeze.

丝带飘动着,小巧的布鞋。Fluttering ribbons, small cloth shoes.

她的头发在春风中像波浪般飘动。Her hair ripples in the spring breeze.

旗帜在风中飘动。The flag was flapping about in the wind.

窗帘在微风中诡秘地飘动。The curtain flapped eerily in the breeze.

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红旗在微风中飘动。The red flags were riffled by the breeze.

一簇簇绿草随风飘动,美极了!Clumps of grass in the wind moving, beautiful!

她旋转身躯来显示裙子如何飘动。She twirls around to show how the skirt moves.

那面旗子在微风中飘动。The flag was flapping about in the light wind.

一缕缕飘动的长发,但是脸部和身体却没有毛发。Long flowing locks, but his face and body hairless.

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我们的五星红旗在微风中飘动。Our Five-Starred Red Flag is riffling in the breeze.

山顶笼罩在飘动的云层里。The mountaintop is shrouded in a blowing cloud bank.

渡鸦羽毛的斗篷在肩头上顺风飘动。A cloak of raven feathers fluttered from his shoulders.

你的心止,风也止了,旗子也不飘动了。You of heart, breeze also, ensign son also not floated to move.

他们在空中慢慢地飘动,就好像一片片一卷卷白羽毛毯子一样。They are drifting slowly in the air like pieces of the blankets.

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水霉菌丝呈白色或灰白色成棉絮状在水中飘动,肉眼可见。Saprolegniaceae which is white or gray sways in water like batts.

他们的眼睛,他们是在寻觅着什么,白色的礼服随着节奏而飘动。Their eyes, what are they looking for, white dress flutters the beat.

但是小兔子贝拉却在森林里迷路了,她只好跟随飘动的云彩走。But Bella Bunny gets lost in the woods, trying to follow drifting clouds.