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白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。The light of an electric lamp come from an incandescent filament.

两根钨丝电极是封在玻璃管或石英管的两端。A glass or quartz tube has tungsten electrodes sealed in each end.

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白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp.

灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes.

即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes.

白炽电灯的关键部分是灯泡里的钨丝。The vital part of the incandescent electric lamp is the tungsten wire inside the bulb.

1878年巴黎世博会,展出了爱迪生发明的用钨丝制作的白炽电灯。Paris Expo, at the Edison invented produced by the tungsten filament incandescent lamp.

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本文研究了用过氧化氢溶样后采用ICP-AES测定钨丝中杂质的方法。The method for the determination of Ni, Ca, Mg and Cu in wolfram wire by ICP-AES was studied.

研究了强酸性低熔点电解质熔液中铝在钨丝电极上的沉积和溶解损失。The aluminium deposition and dissolution loss in low melting point electrolyte melts have been studied.

约翰查遍了保险丝、线路和电灯钨丝,就是没有找出原因来。After having been busy checking all the fuses, wires and filaments of the bulbs, John failed to find out the cause.

用金相观察了掺杂钨丝和纯钨丝在通电加热熔断断口处的孔洞结构。The hole-structure of doped or undoped W wire in close vicinity to the fused-breaking was observed by metallography.

揭示了常规热丝法薄膜淀积工艺中热钨丝易断裂的原因。The reason why tungsten wire is easy to break in the silicon thin film deposition process by hot wire deposition method was explained.

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第一次还原温度对掺杂钨丝的高温抗蠕变性能有显著影响。Temperature of reduction at first stage remarkably influences the anticreeping property of doped tungsten filament at high temperature.

虽然白炽灯的发光效率极限是每瓦52流明,然而这钨丝在其熔点的理论亮度。While the upper limit for incandescent lamps is 52 lumens per watt, that is the theoretical luminosity of tungsten at its melting point.

一盏白炽灯所能达到的最高温度——即最大亮度——是其钨丝熔点的温度。The highest temperature—and thus the brightest light—that an incandescent lamp can achieve is the melting point of its tungsten filament.

本文介绍了一种采用国产钨丝材料做成的电子显微镜用的直热式钨阴极——DWY阴极。A type of tungsten cathod used in electronmicroscope is introduced The name of the cathod is DWY cathod, which is made of Model WAL-2 tungsten.

结果表明,实验元素在钨丝探针上的等温原子化均为零级动力学过程。The results show that the atomization of experimental elements at constant temperature in a tungsten probe atomizer is zero-order kinetic process.

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在通过恒定电流以后,钨丝温度升高,其热量经四周的载气分子传递至池壁。After a constant current, the temperature of the tungsten filament is increased, and the heat is transferred to the cell wall by the carrier gas around it.

本文主要评述了近年来钨丝在电热原子吸收光谱分析中的应用,引用文献49篇。In this article, the recent advances of the application of tungsten coils in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry are reviewed with 49 references.

在工作中对钨丝的特性作了实验分析,并提出了选用钨丝参数的放步意见。Experimental analysis of the Characteristics of tungsten filament has been performed and recommendations of choosing tungsten filament parameters are given.