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国会遂对日本宣战。Congress declared war on Japan.

然后他又向威斯特玛王国宣战。He declares war on the kingdom of Westmarch.

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宣战的文告是1687年8月公布的。The declaration was published in August 1687.

一经宣战,就有许多人自愿参军。As soon as war was declared,many men volunteered.

国会被赋予宣战的权力。Congress is vested with the power to declare war.

有人没和我招呼一声就对树木宣战了吗?Did somebody declare war on trees without telling me?

天文学家已经向占星师宣战。The astronomers have declared war on the astrologers.

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新的国会向德国宣战了。The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany.

美国已经对德国宣战,只是还没对奥国宣战①。The States had declared war on Germany but not on Austria.

为什么天网会对人类宣战?它感觉到了威胁吗?Why did Skynet declare war on the human race? Did it feel threatened?

阿尔戈斯的士兵推翻了宙斯雕像,向众神宣战。A war on gods is declared when Argos' soldiers destroy statue of Zeus.

十字军向拜占庭宣战,修正了他们的行走路线。Crusaders declaring war on Byz every time they pass their lands fixed.

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但是,所有的条约和宣战,必须经国会同意。However, all treaties and declarations of war must be approved by Congress.

这次宣战扩大了帝国潜艇的狩猎场。This declaration would expand the hunting grounds for the Reich 's submarines.

尽管代表们对英国不满,但此时还无向其宣战之意。The delegates were unhappy with England, but were not yet ready to declare war.

这个词用于描述1812年对英国宣战的国会议员。It was used to describe members of Congress who declared war on Britain in 1812.

日美台联合舰队突袭中国舰队,向中国宣战。Japan and us-Taiwan joint fleet raiding Chinese fleet, declared war against China.

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亚当斯总统并未宣战,但是战争在海边一触即发。President Adams did not call for a declaration of war, but hostilities began at sea.

国王与领国与邻土之争以后,就准备对邻国宣战。The king was prepared to levy war on his neighbour after their quarrel over the land.

于是大队人马前去追捕,到了那里,摆好阵势,在安息日那天向他们宣战。And forthwith they went out towards them, and made war against them on the sabbath day.