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场是散射状的。The field is radial.

这就是散射粒子。This is the scattered particle.

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我们称之为散射。This will we call scattered now.

除了用背散射球数。So, we have the probability here.

这叫做背散射。So, this is called back scattering.

太阳的耀眼光芒从蓝天中散射开来。The sun glares out of the blue sky.

瑞利散射让天空如此蔚蓝。Raleigh scattering make skies so blue.

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这个背散射实验。And we'll ask you to imagine a few things.

莫脱截面适用于点散射体。The Mett cross section applies to a point scatterer.

镜面把光反射回散射板。The mirror reflects light back to the scatter plate.

这是个好地方,讨论单一队多散射。This is a good place to discuss Single vs Multi-scattering.

这种散射,解释出了物质的本性。The scattering is an indication of the nature of the substance.

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对水中气泡后向光散射特性进行了初步的定性研究。The light back-scattering property has been developed primarily.

本文发展了S散射矩阵的时间相关的变分表示式。A time-dependent variational expression of S-matrix is developed.

重点阐述了电子散射理论。Andthis paper mainly interprets the electronic scattering theory.

角形结构是飞行器及其它许多目标的强散射源之一。Corner structure is a strong scattering mechanism of many targets.

最后由等效磁流源导出了矩形波导T形结的散射参数。At last the scattering parameters of the T-junction can be derived.

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后向散射扫描仪通过用一束X射线射到物体上来工作。Backscatter scanners work by shooting a beam of X-rays at a subject.

在非常高的能量下,质子—质子散射是一个短程现象。For very high energy, the proton-proton scattering is a short range.

这样就可以算,背散射的概率了。Raise your hand if you don't if you don't have a ping-pong ball yet.