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所有的真心都能够换来真意。All I can get true.

她真心真意地爱他。She loved him heart and soul.

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如果。所有的真心都能够换来真意。If. All the really can change meaning.

当你说,“我爱你”,要真心真意。When you say , "i love you ", mean it.

他辨出这玩笑话里有真意在。He senses the truth beneath her banter.

真心真意谢谢你的帮助!Got it! Thank you so much for your help!

我的真心真意,致使我的目睭虚假。My most true mind thus makes mine eye untrue.

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他们说,在话语里是找补到它的真意的。Meaning, they say, is not found through words.

所有的真心都能够换来真意。Can exchange for all of the really real meaning.

就你真心真意想做的工作打定主意。Make up your mind about the job you really want.

这段引用恰当地表达了??的真意。This quotation reflects aptly the true meaning of ?

也为六年来那么真心真意的付出!Also for six years then genuinely and sincerely pay!

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要了解自由的真意以及如何达成它。Understand what freedom really is and how it is achieved.

他们两个人是真心真意渴望有孩子。Ask that an attorney be present when your child is questioned.

她说爱我的时候是真心真意的吗?。"and"I wonder if she really means it when she says she loves me?

光海君也明白宣祖真意,所以再次磕头反对。Light also know that the sea king XuanZu meaning, so again kowtow.

兩人为相差二十二岁之表兄弟,情真意切,知己知彼。Su and Wen are cousins with an age difference of twenty-two years.

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“我真心真意地向你保证”,我一面说,一面斟满我的酒杯。"I pledge you, with all my soul, "said I, filling my glass to the brim.

通常情况下,我话中的真意会渗透进他们的思想从而他们便不会那么做。Usually the logic of what I am saying seeps through to them and they stop.

问候只是短短的几行,却是一个浓浓的真意!The regards are only the short several lines, is actually athick true meaning!