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缪明安,男,江苏田径运动员,在第二十一届聋奥会上获。Province won one gold medal at the 21st Deaflympics.

这所大学在田径运动方面历来成绩骄人。This college has a long tradition of athletic excellence.

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和其他藏羚羊一样,他擅长田径运动。Like all antelopes, he is strong in track and field events.

他们的运动员囊括田径运动赛的全部锦标。Their players cleaned up in all the track-and-field events.

迎迎代表黄环和田径运动。Yingying represents the yellow ring and the athletics sports.

在严格吃全素之后,我的田径运动达到最好的状况。I had my best track season after being vegan for almost a year.

田径运动具有竞技性和健身性双重属性。Track and field sports have dual features of competition and body building.

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在这次田径运动会上,这位世界头号400米跨栏运动员大出风头。The world's top 400-meter hurdler stole the show at the track and field meet.

宝贝尝试过棒球、足球和田径运动,最后又辗转爱上了篮球。He tries baseball, soccer, and track, then falls head over heels for basketball.

田径竞赛规则是田径运动的伴生物。Rule of Frack and Field Competition is the concomitant of Frack and Field Sports.

盖尔德弗斯,美国田径运动员,3届奥运金牌田径得主,生于1966年。Gail Devers, American athlete, 3-time Olympic champion in track and field, b. 1966

在中学时,麦克雷参加田径运动、打橄榄球,还参加了管弦乐队。In secondary school, McCray ran track, played rugby and was in the band and orchestra.

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研究表明,新规则提高了对田径运动技术的难度要求。Research indicated that the modified rules presented higher demand in Athletic skills.

为进一步实现田径运动训练的科学化提供有力的决策工具。To further the scientific track and field training to provide effective decision-making tool.

2009年秋季田径运动会开幕式定于2009年10月21日晚在校体育中心举行。Fall 2009 Track and Field sports opening ceremony begin on October 21st evening at the Studium.

他的成功雄辩地反驳了认为中国人在体质上不善于田径运动的说法。His success strongly retorts the rumor that Chinese are genetically weak in the track and fields.

学校田径代表队参加望城县中小学生田径运动会荣获团体总分第一名。Our school track and field team wins the first prize in the students' sports meeting of Wangcheng County.

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面对这样规模的交易,我们的反应就像面临电视直播大赛的田径运动员。The reaction to a deal of this size is like the athlete that runs the big race with the TV cameras rolling.

学生对田径运动的喜欢程度具有显著性差异,但是无生源地差异。Students like the level of athletics with the significant difference, but no differences between students to.

我们坐着谈了两个钟头--谈田径运动,谈我们自己,谈国际局势,以及许多其他事情。We sat and talked for two hours--about track and field, ourselves, the world situation, a dozen other things.