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我生活在一个团结友爱的班级。I'm in a united and fraternal class.

我们团结友爱坚强如钢。We have strong solidarity, such as steel.

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从而他们将知道如何去互相友爱。Thus may they know how to love each other.

杰克爱他的女友爱得五体投地。Jack is totally in love with his girlfriend.

稳定,民主,友爱,和平。Stability, democracy, brotherly love, peace.

一点阶级友爱精神都没有。A bit of class solidarity spirit not to have.

铁哥们,愿2010年为你带来欢乐,友爱和宁静。Mr-iron, May 2010 bring you joy, love and peace.

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那样的话你能和顾主之间产生信赖感并且友爱的相处。That way you can build trust and rapport with them.

生活上,我们团结友爱,互相帮助。In life, our unity and brotherhood, help each other.

友爱产生和谐,互助激发力量。Friendship makes harmony, and help inspires strength.

金银财宝不算真富,团结友爱才是幸福。Treasure is not really rich, solidarity is happiness.

自由、平等、友爱是水瓶座的座右铭。Liberté, égalité, fraternité is the motto of Aquarius.

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爱弥儿的友爱在舞会上充分地显示了出来。Emil's fraternity rather prided itself upon its dances.

我正找辙,怎么友爱尽快赶到那儿。I'm thinking of a way to get there as soon as possible.

我们团结友爱坚强如钢。Our mutual love and unification Made us as strong as steel.

团结友爱、拼搏向上、发展创新。Unity and friendship, ambition, development and innovation.

他们互相帮助,团结友爱,过着幸福的日子。They help each other, unity, fraternity, living a happy day.

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各学生在学校须尊敬老师及友爱同学。Students are required to respect their teachers and classmates.

但是,万德韦尔德家族找到了一个称颂他勇气和友爱的途径。But the family did find a way to honor his courage and kindness.

我的朋友们,友爱优于愠怒,希望强于畏惧,乐观犹胜绝望。My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.