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第二,自上而下的思维方法。Two . Top-Down Thinking skills.

它在本质上属于中央控制和自上而下的模式。It is centrally controlled and top-down in nature.

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指端揉捏小腿用卜肌自上而下10次。Kneading calf with finger tip muscle from top 10 times.

所以,不要再指望通过自上而下的激励措施而获得长久工作。So don't look to top-down initiatives to work for long.

自上而下的歧视如洪水猛兽,一发不可收拾。Top-down discrimination, such as a scourge, was out of control.

他还想要成为一个自上而下的现实主义者,能够在王宫里达成政治交易。He also wants be a top-down realist who cuts deals in the palaces.

然而中国科协自身无法改变这种自上而下的普及模式。But CAST alone cannot change the top-down model for popularisation.

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见通过自上而下也可征询随着赛季的进行变得更热。See-through top may also be sought out as the season becomes hotter.

当需要在声音中填入间隔时,自上而下加工是非常有效的And this is extremely useful when it comes to filling in gaps in sounds.

但在这种情况下,根本不能匆促地采取自上而下的解决方法。But you simply can’t rush in with top-down solutions in such a situation.

欧洲的联合从一开始就是由精英推动、自上而下的。The European project was an elite-driven, top-down affair from the outset.

事实是,我们现在经受的是一场自上而下的灾难。The fact is that what we’re experiencing right now is a top-down disaster.

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我们明白,任何长期的增长战略都不能自上而下强加于人。We understand that no long-term strategy for growth can be imposed from above.

项目组合管理将会以自上而下的方法分三步来介绍。Project portfolio management is introduced in a three steps, top-down approach.

所以我还是假设他们的攻击方式,是自上而下的吧,这样比较容易理解So, I will be talking about the overhand stroke, which I find it easier to grasp.

如果自上而下驾驶进入自助钇所附挡板下来的东西了一些。If top-down driving gets to buffet-y the enclosed baffle quiets things down a bit.

在不相关眼急动的神经网路之外,它可以参与自上而下的抑制。It may involve top-down suppression over the unrelated neural networks of saccade.

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然而,不能自上而下,从外到里把改革强加在教师头上。Moreover, reform cannot be imposed on teachers from the top down or the outside in.

一个更富裕的、民众受过更好教育的中国并不需要那么多自上而下的控制。A wealthier China with better-educated people doesn't need as much top-down control.

深入研究了自上而下的投资方法,以及个人安全分析。Delves into top-down investment methodology as well as individual security analysis.