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花开花落皆为景,悲欢离合都是歌。Whispering flowers were King, nor are songs.

你们的悲欢离合是我兵荒马乱的悲伤。I Beihuanchige is your earth-shaking sadness.

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人的悲欢离合,一幕幕重复的上演。Joys and sorrows of human always presents repeatedly.

一个头脑简单的我,演绎着我的悲欢离合!Simpleminded I, am deducting my vicissitudes of life!

人的爱情有悲欢离合之分。Human's love has division of the vicissitudes of life.

成长是一首歌,唱尽悲欢离合。Growth is a song, sing all separation and joy in union.

幻想,从古至今,无数的人们在悲欢离合中编制着幻想。Dream, avers, countless people in compiling the dream of frustrations.

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她看过多少悲欢离合,她历经多少繁华如梦。She saw how many vicissitudes, she has the number of prosperous dream.

我突然觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合。I suddenly feel myself like a doll actiny all kinds of joys and sorrows.

我骤然就觉得自身像个华美的木偶,演尽了一起的悲欢离合。I suddenly feel myself like a doll, acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.

所以这个世界天天上演着悲欢离合的故事。So there are many stories of vicissitudes of life in the world every day.

我才突然觉得自己就像个木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合。I suddenly feel myself like a doll . acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.

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梦想与现实的差距,喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合,百感交集。Dream and reality gap, joys and sorrows, and might be sensitized mixed feelings.

看惯了那种悲欢离合,突然觉得可能这才是生活。Used to seeing the kind of joys and sorrows, may suddenly feel this is the life.

世界杯就像人生的缩影,这里有悲欢离合、离合悲欢。World Cup is like a microcosm of life, there are ups and downs, joys and sorrows.

你用那些唯美的画卷,记录了罗马岁月里的悲欢离合,百态人生。You draw some aesthetic pictures which record the sweets and bitters of Roman's life.

或者说是各种各样的悲欢离合内在里是有对应关系的。Or it can be said that there is corresponding relations in various vicissitudes of life.

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人经历了很多的悲欢离合,酸甜苦辣,什么才是最好的结局?Many of them have experienced the joys, sorrows and ups and downs of what is the best outcome?

人生有多少爱恨情愁,悲欢离合?失败与沮丧,成功与欢笑。How many love hate feeling sorrow in life, Maya angelou? Failure and frustration, success and joy.

千百年来,世世代代的中国人以水墨、宣纸、薄绢寄托喜怒哀乐、表现悲欢离合。For thousands of years, Chinese have taken ink-painting as their own art to express their feelings in the lives.