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有劳大夫了。There is doctor Lao.

能有劳您能拼一下吗?Would you kindly spell it for me?

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大功告成,有劳大家,我们来高兴一下!Cheers to everybody for a job well done!

有劳您将支票副签一下,好妈?。Would you mind countersigning them here?

有劳你参理我的电视。A. Would you please repair the TV for me?

要记住,有劳无逸,有害无益。Remember that, work without rest is harmful.

程序员必须有劳基法及LSL2知识。Programmer must have knowledge of LSL & LSL2.

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有劳博友告诉我正确的改法。Why did no one inform me of the change of plans?

这是越前的猫,有劳了,谢谢。This is Echizen's cat, there are workers, thank you.

把“往事如歌,如梦如烟”译成英文,有劳各位了。The past seems like a song, as well as a dream and fog.

有劳你另外找人做主席好吗?A. Will you please find someone else for the chairmanship?

有劳远迎。I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me.

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“有劳贵公公。”东方夫人冲着那太监点点头。"Have the Lao the grandfather. "The east madam hurtles namely to nod.

作者提出“有劳无获”的问题是因为。The author raises the question "what about pain without gain?" because.

亨利上校有劳斯鲁特费心之处,是因为他不太符合这个框框。Captain henry bothered slote because he did not quite fit the pigeonhole.

发生这件事以前,在我的生活中每时每刻都有劳伦的身影。Before the incident there hadn’t been a single moment of my life without Lauren in it.

我对到斯坦福大学读书很感兴趣,有劳寄来招生简章和其他有关录取方面的材料。I'm interested in attending Stanford University and would like to have catalog and other information about your entrance requirements.

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他从没有劳神去学点音乐——他所知的关于圣诞节传统的知识,都是在文化氛围中偶习得来的。He'd never bothered to learn much about that thing—what he knew about most of the Christmas traditions, he'd picked up as part of the culture.

有劳小蝶了,这船上的厨子都是御厨,小蝶便歇息着,想吃什么,叫他们做便是。Have the Lao small Die, this the cooks on embark always withstand pantry, the small Die then stops for rest, want to eat what, make them do to would be.

这三家公司的规模基本相当,尽管壳牌雇员多一些,在去年底达到10.4万名,相比之下,英国石油公司和埃克森美孚分别有劳工9.8万名和8.1万名。The three companies are roughly comparable in size, although Shell has a bigger workforce, with 104,000 employees at the end of last year, compared with 98,000 for BP and 81,000 for Exxon.