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妳们的王国将是强盛的。Thine Empire shall be strong.

他既强盛,就心高气傲。But when he became powerful, his heart became proud.

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美国有着强盛的幽默写作传统。America has a puissant tradition of humorous writing.

难怪埃及王会担心他们的势力过于强盛。No wonder the kind of Egypt finally became afraid of them.

我们高兴地看到,我们的祖国变得更加强盛。We are very happy to see our motherland becoming stronger.

我们仍旧是全毬最繁荣强盛的国傢。We remain the maximum prosperous, mighty country on Earth.

一度强盛的Borders连锁书店今年也业绩平平。Borders, a once-mighty book chain, was flattened this year.

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看到自己的国家强盛起来是最让人高兴的。It is most happy to see one’s own country becoming stronger.

在哈特谢普苏特女王的统治下,埃及一直享有和平与强盛。Under her rule, Egypt enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous time.

恶人为何存活、享大寿数、势力强盛呢。Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power?

中国强盛日日盼,众志成城必实现。China's prosperity day hope, concerted efforts must be achieved.

祖国强盛了,军人流下的是激动的泪水。Prosperity of the motherland, and soldiers shed tears of emotion.

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“伟大祖国的足球事业每年都更加强盛。”他说道。"Football in North Korea is getting stronger every year," he said.

“美国衰落”已经替代“美国强盛”成为政府的流行语.Decline, not American ascendance, is the administration’s buzzword.

能量强盛的人会很快修成瑜伽。Success in yoga comes quickly to those who are intensely energetic.

等我势力强盛起来,我一定会再来见你的。Waiting my influence is strong, I will definitely come again to see yours.

宙斯坐在宝座上看到人类逐步强盛起来,十分惊奇。Zeus, sitting on his head, saw with anxiety how strong man was acceptable.

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约坦在耶和华他神面前行正道,以致日渐强盛。Jotham grew powerful because he walked steadfastly before the Lord his God.

当这城市强盛时,他可以容忍这样一个怪异的哲学家。When the city was feeling strong, the quirky philosopher could be tolerated.

632年,波斯王国势力丧失,阿曼的阿拉伯人逐渐强盛。In 632 the Persian Empire lost power and Oman’s Arab character was established.