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茫茫大都会不了寂寞情。A great city a great loneliness.

然后在大都会去度周末。Followed by a weekend at the Metropole.

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利物浦大都会酒店是我的最爱。The Liverpool Metropole is my favourite.

你在大都会艺术博物馆都看到什么了?What did you see at the Metropolitan Museum?

之后他继续管理了纽约洋基队和大都会队。He went on to manage the Yankees and the Mets.

日本式世界上最大的大都会之一。Tokyo is one of the world’s greatest metropolises.

有点不同于大都会博物馆。and it is a little different from the Metropolitan

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大都会建筑事务所的发言人证实了舍人的话。A spokesman for OMA confirmed Mr. Scheeren's remarks.

拜物,恋山水,缱绻大都会。Fetishism, love mountain and water, miss bigalopolis.

我建议我们从大都会艺术博物馆开始。I'd suggest we begin with the Metroplitan Museum of Art.

大都会艺术博物馆,犹太历史博物馆,The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Jewish History museum,

我可以把这些知识应用到大都会警察局。I can apply the knowledge at the Metropolitan Police Bureau.

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弗莱德·威尔彭是纽约大都会棒球队的总裁。Fred Wilpon is the president of the New York Mets baseball team.

他可能认为大都会是老二的,但是,他应该这样说吗?He may think the Mets are second fiddlers , but should he say it?

大都会保险表示,交易预期将于年底完成。MetLife said it expected the deal to close at the end of the year.

我首先探访了市区的大都会社区大学。I started at the downtown campus of Metropolitan Community College.

在东海岸的多伦多,那是我们重要的大都会。Or there is our main metropolitan city, Toronto, on the east coast.

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马尼拉大都会区发展当局已经向违反禁烟令的人们开出了罚单。The MMDA has started issuing tickets to violators of the smoking ban.

大都会接续上一季九月的表现,累计2胜41败。Mets fall to 2-41, continuing slide that started in September of 2007.

我打算写完这篇专栏之后就把萤石和大都会保险加入“祖巴克观察表"中。I'm going to add Fluor and MetLife to Jim's Watch List with this column.