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请把我纷披的乱发,当作你幽暗的丛林!Make thy sad grove in my dishevelled hair.

她的白色围脖不小心掉在了地上,露出粘粘的乱发。Soon her boa is on the floor and her hair is mussed and sticky.

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人的七情六欲,都隐藏在乱发遮掩的脑袋里。We conceal our feelings and desires in the head with untidy hair.

他波浪状的白发柔顺地披下,但仍有几簇乱发偷偷冒头。His wavy white hair was smoothed down but it still stuck out in places.

她向我冲了过来,一头乱发飏在了她的身后,脸上满是愤怒。She rushes towards me, wild hair streaming in her wake, face full of fury.

简单地说,这就是高顶着的小圆面包加上松松的卷须般的乱发垂下来勾勒出整个脸部轮廓。Basically, it is a high bun with loose tendrils of hair pulled out to frame the face.

后来投资顾问跟我讲,你怎么能这么乱发期权?Investment adviser is told with me later, you how can so does tousle period counterpoise ?

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我们已经把那机器停了,阁下。关于它乱发结肠肿瘤的抱怨太多了。We had to get rid of the machine, sir. Too many complaints about unintentional colon tumors.

不过没关系,在斯达特岬角灯塔看到的壮美景色完全可以弥补两天来顶着一头乱发的缺憾。Never mind. The glorious views from Start Point lighthouse more than compensate for bad hair days.

法院院长责备行政庭不该不看对象乱发传票。Forensic dean blames administrative front courtyard to ought not to not see object tousle subpoena.

思玉望着窗外的柳树,柳枝随风舞动,像一头梳不齐的乱发。Siyu looked out the window at the willow trees, their branches waving like unruly hair in the wind.

在什么也不知道的情况下,不要乱发评论。它们比马鲁蒂汽车和塔塔汽车好很多。Just do not make wild comments without knowing anything. They are much better than Maruthi and tat a cars.

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利用好你的QQ群,不过不建议你去别人的群里乱发广告。The QQ that has used you group, do not suggest you go nevertheless of others group li of tousle advertisement.

她憔悴了,终日坐在冰冷的土地上,无心梳洗,听任满头乱发披散著。So she pined away, sitting all day long upon the cold ground, with her unbound tresses streaming over her shoulders.

“这世上没有公平这回事,”琼恩应道,他又拨拨她的乱发,起身走了,白灵安静地跟在他后面。"Nothing is fair, " Jon said. He messed up her hair again and walked away from her, Ghost moving silently beside him.

海蒂和我模样完全一样,布满雀斑的肩膀、肥胖粉红的脚趾头,还有极难梳理的乱发。HATTIE AND I are identical right down to our freckled shoulders, fat pinky toes, and the comb-eating snarls in our hair.

这屋子很小很黑,靠墙的板铺上,她的妈妈闭着眼平躺着,大约是睡着了,被头上有斑斑的血痕,她的脸向里侧着,只看见她脸上的乱发,和脑后的一个大髻。The house was all too small and dark. On the bed against the wall was lying her mother with eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

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到他十岁的这年,哈利长成了一个瘦瘦的,有着突膝盖、一头乱发和瘦脸庞的男孩。By the time he was ten years old, Harry had grown into a skinny, knobbly-kneed boy with untidy black hair and a narrow face.

然而,他自己的一些顾问私下里也担心他总是挑起不必要的战斗,以及乱发消息。Yet some of his own advisers also privately worry about his penchant for picking unnecessary fights and drifting off message.

刚跟丈夫怄过气,一头湿漉漉的乱发披散,站在院子的当口,让风使劲吹着。After being quarreled with my husband. I stood in the yard facing the gate with the wet messy hair, and let the wind brow it heavily.