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我们千万不要弄得他走投无路。We must not make him desperate.

海娃被逼的走投无路!The sea of Eva was forced to post23!

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人马族被逼的走投无路,只好逃到了奇伦的家中。They had to escape to the home of Chiron.

一战老兵们走投无路,急需救济。Veterans of the war were desperate for relief.

哦,你和我缓慢的舞动着,我们走投无路。Oh, you and I dancing slow, and we got nowhere to go.

费瑟斯通的愚蠢要求使他走投无路。He saw no way of eluding Featherstone's stupid demand.

雅乐走投无路,于是把心一横,容许留下。Advocate cornered, so heart a horizontal, allow to stay.

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美洲狮除非被逼得走投无路,是绝不会伤人的。Pumas will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.

天已经好久不下雨了,他们被逼得走投无路。They were desperate people in a place where it hadn't rained.

在这个纯文学几乎已经走投无路的年代,仍然固守。Pure literature in this era of almost no way out, still cling to.

由于表现出色,他被走投无路提升为执行坐收渔利总裁。Due to the excellent performance, he was promoted to chief executive.

琼斯先生是个象棋高手,他一下子攻得我走投无路。Mr Jones is a good chess player, and he soon had me beat coming and going.

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他们的进攻能力远远低于防御能力,在走投无路的时候,只有成标靶的份了。They have weak offense as well as defense, making them targets if cornered.

如果你缺钱到走投无路的地步,怎样才能赚点快钱呢?If you're desperate for money, what are some things you can do to make money fast?

是那个女人被逼的走投无路了,她才给她的老板下肚把他给毒死了。It was that the lady was driven to thw wall, so she murdered the boss with poison.

走投无路,绝望透顶的日本,甚至企图通过蒸馏松树根制造航空燃油。So desperate was Japan, it even tried to make aviation fuel by distilling pine tree roots.

幸运的是,其他希腊士兵也与他一起掉了下去,帮助他们让敌人走投无路。Fortunately, other Greek soldiers dropped down beside him and helped keep the enemy at bay.

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猎狗一嗅到新线索就嚎叫起来,雷夫德体会到了猎物走投无路时的感受。As the hounds hit the fresh scent, they howled, and Rainsford knew how an animal at bay feels.

走投无路之下,父母找到了哈特福特医院的神经外科医生斯考维勒。His desperate parents were referred to William Beecher Scoville, a neurosurgeon at Hartford Hospital.

其余被称为流离失所的人是那些完全走投无路的难民。The remainder, referred to as displaced persons, or DPs, were people who literally had no place to go.