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她满脸汗水淋淋。Her face dripped with sweat.

她满脸汗水淋淋。She was dripping with sweat.

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他跑得全身汗水淋淋。He sweated all over for running.

跑步者汗水淋淋。The runner was bathed in sweat.

从水壶里蹦出一只水淋淋的青蛙来。From the kettle in a frog kick out to.

他艰难地在尘土飞扬的坡道上爬著,热得汗水淋淋。Hot and perspiring, he toiled up the dusty ascent.

孩子们浑身水淋淋的,都激动得很。罗杰却是颤抖个不停。The kids were wet and very excited and Roger was very shaken.

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年轻人走到屋里,脱下湿夹克,纳闷世界的最后一刻怎么水淋淋。The young man goes inside, takes off his wet jacket, marvels at how the world ends in rain.

她又出现在了奥利里右边的一件设备旁,从水淋淋的挡风玻璃上看过去还是很模糊。Then she'd appeared again, still fuzzy through the water-blurred windshield, next to a piece of equipment to his right.

她进来了,躺在高背椅上,浑身水淋淋的,把脸对着椅背,手放在脸前。She came in and lay down on the settle, all soaked as she was, turning her face to the back, and putting her hands before it.