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炸弹雨点般落下。The bombs came raining down.

她感觉到雨点打在我的脸上。I could feel rain on my face.

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雨点沥沥落在草上。The rain patters on the grass.

稀稀拉拉的雨点开始落下来。Spots of rain had begun to fall.

雨点嗒嗒嗒地打在窗户上。The rain pattered on the window.

雨点不停地落在我头上Raindrops keep falling on my head

雨点啪啦啪啦地打在窗户上。Rain splashed against the windows.

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雨点啪嗒啪嗒地打在窗户上。The rain blattered on the windows.

哗啦啦,小白云的眼泪像雨点。The tears are just like raindrops.

屋顶上响起了劈里啪啦的雨点声。Rain started to patter on the roof.

炮弹像雨点般落在敌军阵地上。Shells rained on the enemy position.

雨点停了,黑云铺匀了满天。The sky was barred with black clouds.

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风挡玻璃上布满了雨点。The windscreen was spotted with rain.

炸弹雨点似地落在这个小村庄。Bombs rained down on the small village.

雨点正打击着窗玻璃。The rain was whipping the window-panes.

我脸上淋漓的雨点便已满足?To dry the rain on my storm-beaten face.

我能听到雨点打在屋顶上咚咚作响。I can hear the rain drumming on the roof.

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雨点拍打在窗户上。The rain was beating against the windows.

我们听见雨点劈里啪啦地打在房顶上。We heard the rain spattering on the roof.

雨点敲击金属屋顶,发出很大的声响。The rain drummed loudly on the metal roof.