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拉丁文同样也是文学语言。Latin too was a literary language.

“前景化”是文学语言的标志性特征。Foregrounding is a symbolic feature of literary language.

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在很长一段时间里,拉丁语是意大利的文学语言。For a long period of time Latin was the literary language of Italy.

第一章概括三种文学语言观。The first section includes three viewpoints about literary language.

文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇。Literature language is the uncontrollable" hellcat" in the family of language.

语言的模糊性是文学语言的最重要的特征之一。Language fuzziness is one of the most significant features of literary language.

文学语言的一个重要特点是句法结构的变化多样和丰富多彩。The diversity of syntactic structures is an important feature of literary language.

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文学是语言的艺术,文学语言在文学作品中具有本体地位。Literature is an art of language. The language takes the main position in literature.

第二章,探讨了“17年”蒙古话剧文学语言的其它特性。In the chapter two, the thesis discussed "17 years" drama literature's other features.

文学语言具有鲜明的时代特徵和个性特徵。Literary Language is marked by features of a given era and idiosyncrasies of a writer.

为什么从体裁差别的角度去探讨文学语言的区别。Why to examine the difference between literary language to the difference from the genre?

文学语言的韵律美主要表现为均衡美、回环美、抑扬美、错综美。It is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlocution.

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与其他艺术的“语言”相比较,其他艺术语言偏于感受性,文学语言则偏于理解性。Compared with other artistic language, it is more comprehensible while the latter is more sensible.

文学语言的音乐美又表现为均衡美、错综美、抑扬美和回环美。Moreover, it is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlolution.

中国新时期文学,在文学语言领域相对集中地出现了大量的变异语言。In new-age Chinese literature, there emerged a lot of language variations in the field of literary language.

文学是语言的艺术,积极修辞使文学语言演进、发展更显活跃。Literature is the art of language. Positive rhetorics activates and promotes the development of literary language.

文学语言的音乐美又表现为回环美、抑扬美、均衡美和错综美。The musical beauty, moreover, is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlocution.

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汪曾祺对文学语言有独到的见解和精妙的阐述,并影响着他的具体创作实践。Wang Zengqi has an original view and brilliant exposition on literary language, which influences his writing practice.

语用学与文学有着密切的关系,是研究文学语言特征的有力工具。Pragmatics, closely related to literature, has been considered a powerful tool to study the language of literary works.

西撒克逊语作为文学语言取代中世纪英语并发展成现代英语。The dialect of middle english that replaced west saxon as the literary language and which developed into modern english.